Hallowmas 1894

Hallowmas is coming and that means NPC confessions! Usually Sunless Sea promotional characters, but perhaps more.

It’d be fun if we could suggest who we would like to see show up for Hallowmas next year, similar to how we can suggest Mayoral candidates. There’s all kinds of fave characters out there whose confessions I’d love to hear for sure.

[quote=Optimatum]For past years, the only big one was having a Starveling Cat.

What was the option? How far back was this? Because I never saw it?
edited by Anne Auclair on 9/30/2016[/quote]

Here you go. It was a month or so ago.and appeared under Matters of the Heart, of all places. The first unlock was not having Sinning Jenny’s Confession; the second was &quotProposing an Exchange with&quot someone.
edited by Optimatum on 10/1/2016[/quote]
Ah, so it was some sort of test?

Yeah, it was a unintentionally-visible option in development.

I thought the suggestion thread was a player-made thing?

There was an official suggestions thread, over here.

For those newer to the Feast, the higher level rewards previously did include point(s) of Notablity, so you may want to increase yours in preparation.
edited by Parelle on 10/2/2016

I don’t think it is the fact that many people got top prizes and more the fact that it is a narrative collapse where swarms of people dancing around the Bazaar, wearing scandalous clothing and actively clawing themselves with Starveling Cats, all for the sake of good money.

Also, many people’s friend list exploded with thousands of people they don’t normally talk to, which probably put a strain on the server a little. Guilty as charged.

Thousands is a bit of an exaggeration. We had a little over 300 participants, and contacts lists don’t even break until you hit 1400. But yeah that tech could use some upgrading to handle decently sized lists of contacts in the literal thousands one day. That’s the dream.

Goodie. This is going to be my first Hallowmas.

Me too.

I hope I remember to log on for Hallowmas. So much stuff to do…


Still no news. sigh. Let’s hope the announcement shows up soon! :)

[color=#cc0099]The Feast of Masks will take place from 24th October until the 7th November. But be aware, this festival of confessions and betrayal is unlike the ones that have come before it, and you may find that not everything will be revealed at once.[/color]
New for Hallowmas 1894[/color]

[color=#cc0099]The Hallowmas of 1894 will include some new features, such as: [/color]

  • [color=#cc0099]new confessions from prominent Fallen London characters[/color][/li][li][color=#cc0099]an entirely new way to trade confessions [/color][/li][li][color=#cc0099]certain companions will be involved [/color]

Confessions at the Feast of Masks[/color]
[color=#cc0099]Don your mask and collect confessions. Then it’ll be your choice to trade them to friends, factions, or other prominent people of the Neath. [/color]
At the end of the festival, Mr. Huffam will still be about looking to interview festival-goers. While the Spirit of Hallowmas is absent this year, you will still discover a Hallowmas epilogue and special epithet. [/color]

[color=#cc0099]The ability to acquire or change your destiny will be the same as previous years. This can only be done at certain times of the year, so be sure to take advantage of the chance![/color]

Sounds exciting. I can’t wait to see who will be confessing!

Don’t bother, the mechanics are far different from last year and spreadsheeting will not be necessary[/color]

I’m feeling nostalgic, now, since it was just this time last year I started in FL. A year later, 100 actions a day, and there is still a ton of content I have not explored.

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 10/18/2016

I’m both excited and a tad apprehensive of my first Hallowmas. And though things seem to be changing for this year, I might as well ask: I’ve heard rumours it would be useful to have your soul when celebrating Hallowmas, is this true? Should I focus on gathering as many bundles of oddities as I can?

If you spend a small amount of fate, you can sell your soul for a high price. You don’t need it for the celebrations.

Okay, good to know. I thought it might be something like the University storyline, but luckily not!

Don’t bother, the mechanics are far different from last year and spreadsheeting will not be necessary[/color][/quote]

Well, now.
Every mechanics you’ll invent, we will find a way to spreadsheet it.
; )