[Guide] Estival Major Rewards, for Overwhelmed People

I know a bunch of folks who are currently Going Through Things and haven’t been able to dedicate the time to figuring out Estival. They asked for an easy, step-by-step guide to getting all of the major rewards. So I put together this guide for them, and for anyone else in their position.

Feedback is always welcome!


I got the Pilgrim’s Sandals, bad thing is I already have many other Watchful footwear and Chthonosophy hasn’t yet been used much outside of Firmament.


True, but it’s SO useful for library runs, which are becoming a VERY profitable grind.


Dropping some updates here!

Just wanted to add that a bunch more clues have been added since I posted this guide, but I’ve been too squamshed to update the guide proper. There’s an ongoing list of clue locations being maintained by the community, though! (vague spoilers for location and activity names)

Also, there’s a new unique reward up for grabs! Crossposting the update here:

Huffam’s Personal Blend

A +5 Watchful, +1 Dreaded weapon. FBG staff have confirmed that this is not the seven clue reward.

It is unclear if this item will return.

To obtain this item, go to Watchmaker’s Hill to witness the conclusion of the Tournament of the Body.

Afterwards, travel to Veilgarden to speak to Huffam. There should be a new option labeled Discuss your recent scramble for leads. Playing this option will earn you the item.


FYI - events have progressed and there are more unique rewards on the table! Specifically, you can now get the 7 clue reward, and there’s an opportunity to earn another unique reward later on. I’m too squamshed to update the guide atm, but thought I’d put the call out just in case.

There should be a new universal storylet in Fifth City Stories, The End of the Games, that will progress the story.



The Distinction of the Waking Fire

Huffam’s Personal Blend

Whatever you have redeemed with your Estival tokens.

Whatever you have redeemed with your Coilheart Renown, other than the Distinction of Waking Fire

Vanity quality: Investigative Journalist. Turn in 21 clues for the maximum.


Plus the seven clue reward, not to be confused with Huffam’s Personal Blend!

(it’s an affiliation)


still working on the guide, but for the curious, here are all of the unique and seasonal items from this Estival:

  • 30 free Estival Tokens
  • The Distinction of the Waking Fire (Adornment: Dangerous +5, Dreaded +1, reduces Nightmares build up)
  • Huffam’s Personal Blend (Weapon: Watchful +5, Dreaded +1)
  • In Mr Huffam’s Good Graces (Affiliation: Respectable +1, Dreaded +1, Inerrant +1, reduces Scandal build up)
  • Coilbreaker’s Prints (Gloves: Shadowy +6, Glasswork +1, Insubstantial +1)
  • Half-Devoured Heart (Home Comfort: Watchful +5, Dreaded +2, Chthonosophy +1)
  • One of the following: Parietal Kingscale, ‘The Maze of Coiled Hearts’, volumes 1-3, or Coilheart Games 1899 Commemorative Archway (these are souvenir items with no stats or mechanical benefits)

I am still testing this hunch, but I am 95% sure that you can literally make a baby account today and get every last one of these rewards. It shouldn’t be hard at all for an established account to catch up - the tricky thing is making sure to pick up each item before the breakpoints at which they become unavailable. So I’ll be writing a catchup section that spells out every single step you need to take, from the very beginning until the end. (ADHD and energy willing!)


I really want to know which of the three souvenir items most people got.

I am still undecided, but I’m leaning towards Parietal Kingscale. The snake and dream reference, the mantelpiece aesthetics.


I went with the Kingscale and I regret nothing. The way it arrives is … interesting.


I got the Kingscale, mostly because I thought that page where you choose was similar to one a few clicks prior, where you click through the three different options and read each one, and then a fourth one appears to advance the story. So since the Kingscale option was the first one, that’s what I ended up with. (Of course, had I known, I might well have chosen it anyway.)


I wish there was better signposting for that sort of thing.


Also, I have decided to keep my Strangling Willow Ring instead of swapping it for the Censor’s Touch.

There will definitely be more Mithridacy gloves in future. And I want to retain the memory of how I got the ring from a previous event.


Hey, folks! I’ve written out a draft of the Estival-start-to-finish guide and tested it with my baby alt as best as I could (the only thing I didn’t do was the Distinction of the Waking Fire, because it turns out 20k Renown is a miserable slog with total baby stats). Could I get some folks to look it over and make sure I didn’t typo some crucial step? Estival Quick Guide DRAFT - HedgeDoc


Per announcement, you still have 3 more days to create an alt that can participate! And about 2 weeks to grind that Renown.


Please excuse my ignorance but for what in two weeks are we grinding the renown?

NinethLions mentioned elsewhere that if you were to create a new character today, the only obstacle to collecting all of the unique event rewards is the Distinction of the Waking Fire because it has a sticker price of 200 echoes worth of Coilheart Renown. Characters with primary stats in the single digits will struggle to collect that much.


Ahh, I did not realize it was Coilheart Renown you were talking about. I thought it was renown of one or more factions. My bad. Thanks for explaining.

I also got the Kingscale. Though I didn’t choose my ending to obtain it, and don’t recall what I did!