Governorship is unsatisfying

I recently became governor of port carnelian, and, well, it isn’t fun. Usually even extremely repetitive, grindy storylines are at least somewhat enjoyable, and most manage to be quite fun in spite of the repetition.

I’m not entirely sure why it’s so boring; I think it can probably be traced to lack of any particular reward for going above and beyond, as well as a lack of anything else you can do concurrently.

Personally I think the easiest fix would be an opportunity deck.

Does anyone else find it unsatisfying? If so, do you have any other ideas as to how it could be fixed?

[quote=Zeculo The Squid]I recently became governor of port carnelian, and, well, it isn’t fun. Usually even extremely repetitive, grindy storylines are at least somewhat enjoyable, and most manage to be quite fun in spite of the repetition.

I’m not entirely sure why it’s so boring; I think it can probably be traced to lack of any particular reward for going above and beyond, as well as a lack of anything else you can do concurrently.

Personally I think the easiest fix would be an opportunity deck.

Does anyone else find it unsatisfying? If so, do you have any other ideas as to how it could be fixed?[/quote]
I don’t find it boring, though I admit I have only played through it about 15 times or so. Just by making decisions, one does reveal extra options. An Opportunity Deck would be grand, though I’m not sure enough players use Port Carnelian to make it worth the effort to implement and maintain.

Well… why not? Polythreme has a deck though most people avoid it like the plague. I doubt it is a priority, but it would certainly make the another carousel enticing.
edited by Jolanda Swan on 10/1/2018

I like Port Carnelian and don’t mind Polythreme as much as most, but I think that both could be improved by restructuring them with Flash Lay mechanics. Like how Zailing works, or the Finishing School. I think the worst part about Polythreme is simply the limited deck, while Port Carnelian could benefit from a little more dynamism than the current Airs-based implementation.

I agree that the pay-off is likely not worth the dev effort, sadly.

I disagree. It’s my favourite place in the entire game, and I love the mechanics of it. I’ve done a total of 117 terms, and I’m aching to go back after having had to stay away for a long time.

I’m not sure what you’re saying about there not being any reward for going above and beyond, because there is one. The antique mystery + presbyterate passphrase reward by siding with the tigers at the end scales with your striped delights, and the reward from siding with the Khaganians scales with silver horseheads. Being honoured with a state dinner removes both delights and horseheads and does not give a scaling reward – you should never pick that option.

Figuring out which options available to me at any time are the best for hitting those &quotmagic numbers&quot that give the highest reward is a lot of fun to me.

I’m not sure if by adding an opportunity deck you mean moving the now airs-dependent options into a card deck or adding a deck on top of what is already there. I’d welcome the latter – more content for my favourite place would of course be nice – but I don’t think I would want the former. As it stands, there will always be a pair of airs-dependent options available, and I fear that moving them to cards would break that system, which (in my opinion) works great.

[quote=Tuxi]I disagree. It’s my favourite place in the entire game, and I love the mechanics of it. I’ve done a total of 117 terms, and I’m aching to go back after having had to stay away for a long time.

I’m not sure what you’re saying about there not being any reward for going above and beyond, because there is one. The antique mystery + presbyterate passphrase reward by siding with the tigers at the end scales with your striped delights, and the reward from siding with the Khaganians scales with silver horseheads. Being honoured with a state dinner removes both delights and horseheads and does not give a scaling reward – you should never pick that option.

Figuring out which options available to me at any time are the best for hitting those &quotmagic numbers&quot that give the highest reward is a lot of fun to me.

I’m not sure if by adding an opportunity deck you mean moving the now airs-dependent options into a card deck or adding a deck on top of what is already there. I’d welcome the latter – more content for my favourite place would of course be nice – but I don’t think I would want the former. As it stands, there will always be a pair of airs-dependent options available, and I fear that moving them to cards would break that system, which (in my opinion) works great.[/quote]

I’m thinking of the latter. My main problems currently are that there isn’t enough variety, in options or rewards, and that there’s nothing to do besides govern. It would be nice to get rewards at other times besides the end of term, and just generally more worldbuilding and story.