Short answer - upconvert lots and lots of tales of terror.
Long answer: [spoiler]
I believe it’s feasible with any reasonable amount of BDR.
You’ll need to have MW 42, which is 903 CP, minus at least 28 CP from your 7+ MW left after TtH has made its appearance. Since I like nice numbers, let’s say you’ll need to get 1000 CP of Making Waves.
Now, how to go about actually getting those CP:
Disclaimer - all numbers below are taken from wiki, occasionally worsened and are not be considered precise.
First of all, orphanage. I can’t give any good advice concerning orphanage, as I am not a patron of one, but, obviously, with enough preparations you will be able to get about 150 CP per scheme on average, but, let’s say, you will be uncommonly unlucky and both draw Handsome Townhouse card only twice during the week you’ll try to hit Notability 15 and get only 250 CP MW out of it. That would leave about 750 CP more.
Now, to the grindier part - converting Tales of Terror to Uncanny Incunabula. I’m rather sceptical about gaining MW from sideconversions, as it’s a genuine waste of time in terms of MW/action. ToT conversions to Extraordinary Implication provide about 7 CP MW, Implications to Incunabula - around 12-13 CP on average. So a "set" of 5 ToT + 2 EI conversion would give you about 60 CP in seven actions. Lower the estimation to 50 CP, as you’ll be doing it a lot, so it shouldn’t be really much worse that average, and you’re left with 15 conversion sets, i.e. you’ll need 105 actions and 3750 tales of terror.
Susrprisingly (or not), it averaged on 1/5 CP MW for a single ToT upconversion all the way up with estimations generally made below the average, so your MW CP after all conversions and executed schemes can be estimated as at least ([ToT/50] * 10) + 130(150 if you’re feeling lucky) * OrphScheme (ToT upconversion is more reliable, as converting doesn’t rely on opportunity cards and you won’t suffer from bad luck as much as you may with orphanage, but you won’t get lucky with them as well).
And once you have at least the amount of CP you need, go for the kill.
I sincerely hope I didn’t screw up too much with the numbers.
edited by Talkes on 3/20/2016