Genial Magician Questline Query

This might be a very silly problem but its got me stumped. I found the event in Venderblight where you get the painted serpent BEFORE meeting the Genial magician, and I picked it up anyway. When I recruited him I spoke to him, but chose the wrong option by mistake. I now can’t choose the other option. How do I advance his storyline now? :(

The serpent event at Venderbight will appear more than once - just keep making visits there until you see it again! I don’t think there is a right or a wrong option when first speaking to the Magician - they only differ in flavour text.

Alright then, I wondered if that was the case - but I swear I already have the serpent, it seems silly to have to get it again. Thanks :)

Does the serpent event appear once the Magician’s story is up to 1? Or does it have to be 2+?

I think in one of my earlier games I’d managed to get 2 on the Magician’s story and since then I’m only managing one.

I do hope me memory is playing tricks on me because I’ve managed to get a nice game going here, it’d be a shame if I’d blocked the Magician’s storyline.

The Fingerking’s Serpent event happens regardless of whether you advanced the Magician’s story-line. I’m not sure if you even need to talk to the Magician before you can choose his option during the Fingerking’s Serpent event. It only requires the Genial Magician to be aboard your ship.
edited by lord1box on 7/27/2014

[quote=Westerfeld]Does the serpent event appear once the Magician’s story is up to 1? Or does it have to be 2+?

I think in one of my earlier games I’d managed to get 2 on the Magician’s story and since then I’m only managing one.

I do hope me memory is playing tricks on me because I’ve managed to get a nice game going here, it’d be a shame if I’d blocked the Magician’s storyline.[/quote]

You need the Serpent for other stories as well, so you actually need to get it repeatedly to get every option.

Specifically you need to get an event from the serpent the get the Viric painting to give the curator

Excellent, let’s hope the Serpent event comes up soon. Thank you both.

I wish they would make some events a little more likely. I’ve spent the last four hours camping outside Venderbight trying to get the Fingerking event to trigger a second time. I have four Soothe & Cooper Longboxes and I have told a hopeful sailor that my boat is full about twelve times, but no Fingerking.

EDIT: That’s another hour gone by. Now, it can’t really be just bad luck, can it?

EDIT 2: By now I must have done more than 300 SAYs at Venderbight without getting the Fingerking. What could the odds be?

EDIT 3: I’m pretty sure the fingerking thing won’t turn up again. Has to be a bug, right?
edited by PetterSjlund on 8/1/2014

[li]same boat.

one of the first captains i ever ran, i picked up the magician & the serpent on the first run up north.
heard others asking & complaining, couldn’t understand the fuss.
especially those about that chef guy who kept offering services for the unspeakably gross fee of 300 echos… whatevs.

so then my captain dies (horribly, but epically) new games start, and …
perma-wait forever.

i have gotten magician again, easy enough, but i keep pounding Vender like a drunk on pavement to as much effect.
dozens & dozens of grinding circuits, days’ worth of real-world play, all on the same cappy, and not a hint of chef or snake.
it’s either a bug or something is blocking.
might be blocked if you have some condition that negates the event until removed.

I did just get it to trigger, although the file is from a bit before Emerald update. I think it’s just a really biased RNG, so you end up getting something lame almost all the time.
edited by yawgeh on 8/2/2014

mine finally popped up last night, but what a beating to get there.
and it’s not like getting the icon drives you straight to the serp; there’s still quite a road left to run.
i mean, give a dude a break and lighten up on the rando.

chef is still a no-show.

Anybody know what the odds are on this? I’ve been to Venderbight at least 40 times over several games, and never seen anything related to serpents, though I’ve met the chef half a dozen times and seen just about every other random event everywhere else. It’s rather annoying that the only content in the game I haven’t seen seems to all be tied to this one event, and there are no alternative routes to get it.

[li]i think this points to a larger issue with the game. there’s just way too much story content tied to extremely rare events. worthy of a discussion on its own.

Eh, it’s not a particularly rare event for me, I get every 3rd or fourth time I dock at Venderbright.

[li]but you see, that’s the thing - it swings from one extreme to other.

i’ve had both experiences: i’ve had games where i found it almost instantly and others where if i didn’t know about it, i’d swear it didn’t exist or i had done / not-done something to trigger it yet. it’s great if you get the easy-show, but if you get a game where it decides to be a no-show, it’s horrible. you can’t progress with this line, you can’t progress with that line …

you end up stuck, waiting for something to happen because the line is ‘dead’ until you get ‘movement’.
full stop.
you’re a hostage to the randomizer, and it can be really mean.

I can see what your saying, I’ve waited forever for certain events to trigger but that’s the RNG and not the game itself. I mean I’m starting to guess that the message that pops up when you get SAY might mean something but in the end its just the RNG for you.