(DragonRidingSorceress grins a slightly smug grin.)
If we want to get technical, my smartest outfit, in the sense of making me seem smart, consists of:
- Luminous Neathglass Goggles, which shine with the light of discovery;[/li][li]Academic Gown, the garb of any self-respecting academic;[/li][li]Avid Gloves, which are alert and watchful and hardly likely to bite at all;[/li][li]Either my ‘For Your Own Good’ Compass, a curious device which will point any way but north; or my Pre-Emptive Guinea-Pig, who is a darling and has a better airspeed velocity than a laden swallow, at least for short flights;[/li][li]Meticulously Altered Stockings, a Sacksmas present I remain very fond of;[/li][li]My Appreciation Society. My readers are so very sweet, and very eager to feed me interesting tidbits that they feel I might like to publish;[/li][li]I now like to carry a copy of my Newspaper, The Dragon Chronicle. Nothing speaks to intelligence quite like owning a newspaper;[/li][li]My White Glim Telescope lets me study the distant secrets in the moonish light;[/li][li]and of course, my accursed Destiny Gleams.
But perhaps you mean my smartest outfit in the social sense - what do I wear when I wish to look well-turned-out?
- My Modish Bonnet is utterly stylish - a little too stylish for some, it seems, because it always sets off rumours;[/li][li]I’ll admit, I have yet to go past my Glad Rags. They’re a little old, but they’re comfortable, and they look good on me;[/li][li]I wear Magician’s Gloves, which are white and genteel and absolutely don’t have a pocket for Aces;[/li][li]over which I will wear a Brass Ring. I have dabbled with the Devils, and am not afraid to show it. It didn’t stop me joining the CVR;[/li][li]This Hallowmas, I bought myself a pair of Scarlet Stockings of Dubious Origin. It seemed the thing to do, to celebrate the Feast, although it set tongues wagging again;[/li][li]My Appreciation Society is always keen to accompany, in spirit if not in form, and it lends quite a social clout;[/li][li]Being a member of God’s Editors, of course, also presents well in company;[/li][li]as does my membership at The Parthenaeum.
Since I am half-way through, let me continue.
It is, at times, smart to be sneaky. When I must deflect attention, I will wear:
- A Tanned Mask, leather as supple as skin - weaselskin, surely;[/li][li]A Ratskin Suit, hardwearing and waterproof;[/li][li]Cutpurse’s Mittens, my lucky gloves;[/li][li]My ‘For Your Own Good’ Compass, which I have mentioned before;[/li][li]I will be accompanied by the Scuttering Squad, the sneaky geniuses;[/li][li]and a Gang of Hoodlums;[/li][li]and I will ride my Ratwork Velocipede.
And of course, there are times when it is smart to be Dangerous. At those times, I will wear:
[ul][li]An Iron Hat - more helmet, than hat, truly;[/li][li]My old Rough Gown, or a Bloodstained Suit, depending on the type of Dangerous I am going for - subtly, or obviously;[/li][li]A Knife of Lost Sky, which I won through completely legal participation in a candle competition;[/li][li]Savage Hob-Nailed Boots; and[/li][li]I will travel with the Scuttering Squad, again.[/li][/ul]But of course, that is not all, is it? There are times when it is smart to belittle oneself, and seem less than you are. Exactly what I wear in those times varies, depending on my aim, but at a minimum I will wear:
[ul][li]A Starveling Stole, which I am fairly sure is dead. Fairly sure; and[/li][li]a Talkative Rattus Faber, who is terribly useful, but whose company I try not to endure for overly long periods of time. If not for his surprisingly sweet nature, I’m not sure I could bear his company at all.[/li][/ul](It is a wonderous thing, is it not, these authors who can speak in bulleted lists?)
Would you consider joining an Armed Force?