Force draw Amaneusis?

Does it no longer work? We spent the fate but could only draw connected cards or the sommelier?

It’s still there for me under “Attend to Matters of Society and Scandal” at my Lodgings when I look on the desktop version. I’m not sure if the option is available in the mobile version.

I do it all the time in the desktop version because I don’t want to block a slot with the card. No fate required (but a point of notability is necessary, of course).

You can’t get him with a Favourable Circumstance. He’s under &quotAttend to Matters of Society and Scandal&quot, although you can only use that option when you already have at least one point of notability and your making waves is high enough to increase your notability.
edited by aegisaglow on 12/21/2016

You aren’t able to get him with a Favourable Circumstance, but I think you should be able to.[li]

On extremely rare and urgent occasions, most recently Hallowmas, I’ve found my Notability-grinding completely halted by that first point. I’d gladly trade seven points of Notability gained over a month for a single point gained when it is most needed. I already have Favourable Circumstances just for the hell of it, and that could make it actually worth using.

By the way, why would anyone get that using Fate? The price isn’t cheap, and Notability is easy to build if you have both patience and means. It’s not even that useful, as few things pose a real time limit besides Festivals, nevertheless things expedited by this item in its present state.

My wife plays enough that she could sustain one point of notability were she ever able to get it. She had enough making waves yesterday to get there but was unable to draw the card to make it happen. Her time the healer happened this morning without her ever getting the proper card.

I don’t really see a problem there, as a Great Many Things are dependant on having to draw just that one card you need… one time. Just don’t tank your Notability below 1, then? Works for me.

I’m trying not to be rude here to you but I’m not saying it was a problem. I’m saying we thought it would work one way and when it didn’t I asked around if I had been confused. Now I’ve had two people basically come off as saying not only was I confused but it was basically wrong of me to be confused because my wife should just be putting in more effort. And while I’m sure that works for me and for most other players, she’s a casual player and just loves the lore and hates the grind. So yeah she takes a lot of fate shortcuts, which last I checked helps pay for the free content.

[quote=maleclypse]I’m trying not to be rude here to you but I’m not saying it was a problem. I’m saying we thought it would work one way and when it didn’t I asked around if I had been confused. Now I’ve had two people basically come off as saying not only was I confused but it was basically wrong of me to be confused because my wife should just be putting in more effort.[/quote]Well I’m very, seriously certain that I did not tell your wife to put in more effort, or that you should not be confused. For proof, just read my two lines again, please. Since I can’t double-quote (no two quotes in one post) I’ll just say it again: There are A Great Many Things in this game which basically depend on you having to draw one specific card when you need it to further some thing or another. The Amanuensis is just one example of a Great Many More Such. It’s a game mechanic, period. And if you don’t wanna bother with that regarding Notability, then just never let it leave you completely after having gotten it, meaning after you have drawn that one, very first, necessary card to get it.

See, now it took a great many more words. But I thought I was already clear enough in the two lines above?
Edit: typos.One more reason to use less words :D
edited by Reshemin on 12/22/2016

&quotI don’t see a problem here&quot I never said it was a problem. Sorry for taking that line and conflating it with other responses. Beating the RNG without fate use requires time and effort so I felt that that was implied. :) Hope you see where less lines led to assumptions.
edited by maleclypse on 12/22/2016

“Beating the RNG” is an unwinnable battle. It’s better to see it as a force of nature, or like the weather… grumble and move on. :) And yep, on second thought I could’ve used one or two lines more.

Well, to be fair, there are cases when you have to spend all of your Notability. For instance, today I spent 15 levels to get my unmodified Watchful to 215. So “just never let it leave you completely” is a nice piece of advice, but it doesn’t always work like this.