FL Browser Extensions

I thought we needed a place to collect them. There once was an official whitelist on the old forums, but I can’t find it anymore.

First things first: none of them are my own work. I’m not a programmer. But I use them on a daily basis - in fact I probably could not live without them!

The FL Time Keeper - how long until Time the Healer?
The FL Quality Lantern - makes Hidden Qualities visible!
FL 1-Click Wiki - open the relevant Wiki page from any storylet in the game!
FL Conversion Helper - the whole Side-Conversion Carousel in one place
The Goat Farmer - displays your total wealth on the Bazaar tab, plus how far to a set goal

Those are the ones I’m using, but I know there are many more. Do post the ones you’re using or that you’ve programmed yourself here!

Obviously, all those are fanworks and Failbetter offers no support for any problems caused by these extensions!
Personally, I’ve never had any issues with the extensions above.

If there’s still a current list of extensions whitelisted by Failbetter, I’d appreciate a link or any info.


Just wanted to say that the 1-Click Wiki is the most useful extension I’ve used for this game. It honestly should just be part of the official game, it’s that helpful, quick, and easy.


I use the 1-Click Wiki extension all the time, but the one I probably couldn’t do without is Fallen London Favorites

It lets you mark cards and storylets as those you want to play or those you want to avoid. The cards you want can’t be discarded with an off click, the cards you don’t want to play can only be discarded, and it rearranges the order of storylets so those you want are at top.


Thank you for this! I didn’t have a couple of these.

Firefox links:
FL Time Keeper
FL Quality Lantern
FL 1-Click Wiki
FL Conversion Helper
Goat Farmer