Fixers for Hire: All Campaigns

Hello fellow politically involved citizens, the Fixers among us would love to assist you in removing your various menaces. All that is required is that you leave your contact information, menace that needs reduction, and declared candidate below. A Fixer will hopefully see to your needs in due course.

In this case, Mr. Secrets has declared for Feducci so if anyone feels like throwing me a suspicious clear that would be lovely. Otherwise, I will be available to assist in removing menaces from fellow Feducci supporters.

It’s a bit ironic that a Fixer for Feducci would require scandal removal so quickly but I was planning a trip to the Tomb Colonies prior to the election.

Any help in these matters would be greatly appreciated.

All menance reductions welcome for the following:

Annabelle McAllister - DTC
Delilah Moreo - Feducci (wounds most likely as an agitator)
Marlon JD - Implacable Detective

I am a Fixer for Feducci, hit me up if you need anything.

Edit: Blaine Davidson, I’ve sent you a scandal fix.

Victor, I cannot seem to get to Mr Secret’s page. If you add me I’ll be glad to help you
edited by Glaucus92 on 6/26/2017

I am a Fixer serving amongst the campaign of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. If you happen to be on the same side as me let me know if you require my services.

I humbly request either Scandal or Wounds fix from fellow Feducci supporters, thank you very much in advance!

Scandel fix from a Detective fixer - as an agitator, I’ll collect many meances for those interested.

Edit: Nightmare help would also be appreciated.
edited by Shadowcthuhlu on 6/27/2017

/greetings/ /I offer my services to any who are behest by menaces/ /but only those who see the one true way by the Impeccable Detective/

If I’m reading this right, I’ll send you a scandal card in a bit!

Also if anyone can, I’d love some help for my hot-blooded Feducci Agitator
edited by Asteraecae on 6/26/2017

Evening, all. There seems to be a shortage of fixers for a certain Detective. I problem I’m here to remedy.
Tell me your woes and watch as those troubles disappear.


Another fixer for the Detective. Hit me up and I’ll make your problems vanish.

Afternoon! Maxwell keeps getting shot during his public speeches in Feducci’s favor, so he would appreciate any likeminded Fixer’s help

EDIT: After some hesitation, Michael is now working as a Fixer for the Detective. Always a pleasure to help.
edited by Slyblue on 6/27/2017

Lady Orosenn, constantly-mobbed and -mobbing Agitator for the Implacable Detective, would really appreciate someone taking care of her scandal. Thank you!

:edit: Thanks, Slyblue! Temporis, I’m sure your offer will also soon be needed ;)
edited by phryne on 6/27/2017

Fixer for the Implacable Detective ready and willing to provide respite from the hounds of politics.

Dauntless Temperance Campaigner fixer here ready to help anyone supporting the cause.

Any Dauntless Gentlepeople that need a fixing, send Gummy any action and just ask for it, baby!

Go Temperance!
edited by hellaGumshoe on 7/3/2017

Feducci fixer here.

Also accepting having suspicion fixed by other fixers (and maybe some scandal but mostly suspicion).

Any suspicion/scandal fixes from the side of the detective would be most welcome!

Edit: switched from the DTC to the Detective’s side
edited by Silvan Derre on 6/27/2017

Wicked223 Fixes for the Dauntless Campaigner, be happy to take any Menace you don’t want off your hands!

Can someone fix my scandal and suspicion? I support the detective.

I am having trouble with the fixing actions, when I accept them my menaces do not seem to go down.