Firmament Prologue

Ah. So I’m given the chance to name the skyward juggernaut later. Great. Lovely. Hopefully I could name my faithful hardworking wartrain as well. “Mirrorpiercer” sounds like a cool name.

None of them are. Every snippet I’ve seen for every inroad has your patron Master introduce you like a bad habit they can’t shake. And the last time I saw a snippet of Cups reacting to its almost-murderer in The Crocodile Who Would be King? It reacted to the player in pretty much exactly that fashion.

EDIT: There’s also the argument to be made that it would volunteer to send you to the roof in the hopes that you die permanently in the attempt.

Literally all that’s required in-story is a (grudgingly) cordial invitation, and a corresponding introduction. Both of which can be achieved conveniently with a hand mirror tapping a heads-up in Morse code.

EDIT: And could also be framed conveniently as a shock to Mr Mirrors’ former peers, who speculate that it inviting you might signal its first attempt to re-enter the game proper.

EDIT: You’d also think at least Pages would have noticed this: Ambition: Nemesis – One Last Matter - Fallen London Wiki

This is part of why I’m glad that my main’s treasure is a literal secret locked in my basement.

It actually makes sense that it doesn’t come up much outside my monthly staring session.

And my slut alt’s illegitimate child comes up like 2/week because it’s the most popular treasure by far and FBG knows it. :stuck_out_tongue:

(And really do mean it when I say slut. I made a point of collecting every possible husbando for her I could. She’s shacked up concurrently with Poor Edward, the Promethean Rogue, the incognito Cheery Man + his reflection, her own house, and eventually the Youthful Naturalist at the end of time.)

My personal preference is always to bet on the Obliterator, because the surest way not to die is to kill everything flying towards you first. But in all seriousness if you favour a more cautious playstyle the Vigilant is probably optimal simply because it gives you bonuses to different types of check.

I’ll wait and hope. I still have just enough faith that Took Flight Before The Masters means…something down the line, when we’re properly airborne, far away from any Londoners who can properly match a face to whoever seems to be saddling up Mr. Veils, and the operators are increasingly low on ammo.

…not that I was asking for much in the prologue, I would have settled for just an aside where I ask why I can’t do it myself and the higher-ups say something like “Sir, it is political disadvantageous right now for our entire remilitarisation war effort to be overshadowed by flight cavalry. Also if you saddle up the Vake in public I will be legally obliged to bombard the power you’re keeping it in for the sake of public order, so please keep that thing out of sight until we can claim plausible deniability” or “Stop lacerating my poor airships with your horrible claws, Vake-the-Curator! We have long since ceased to have anything of import to discuss!”

From my limited experience playing with the airship back when the Starvies attacked, the Balanced airship was the most efficient, so I picked the Vigilant class airship now.

I picked the option to rename the Airship… the existing name of the airship for me was Icarus.

Does a spit take he is datable?! When and how and in which evolution ending?!

I’m not QUITE sure if this is what Thoon is referring to, but should you choose The Wheel of Fortune as the Youthful Naturalist’s fate he retains his humanity even as the Boatman, comes around to quite enjoying his occupation and after an unhappy accident takes you on a little boat ride to tour the other afterlives

Of course, even in The Hanged Man it’s implied you stay in touch. It’s just…implied to be a little more remote given what the Natural has become.


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So… anyone do the lab experiment yet?


Consider this my thanks for having brought it to my attention.


My assumption was that the:

And you won’t be alone…

Tidbit you get for choosing the Hanged Man destiny was only available if you also pushed the Naturalist to pick the same option.

(What would 2 lone shoggoths at the end of time do if not screw like rabbits?)

Addendum: they’re Wild Word items.


The Obliterator class is perfect for cannon diplomacy. The Sparrow class is for hardcore ninja. The Vigilant class is somewhat in between, sufficient for general purpose while not the best choice for stealth or heavy bombardment.

The one that requires the recently acquired roof drip. But there’s another that requires 5 starved expressions.

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It has started.

I, however, will wait until I get my Pirate Crew before diving in (or flying up, as it happens).


No new thread I see. :frowning:
From a quick look over Discord, this update brings a loooot of things!

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