Find Friends for sparring, dinners, chess & theft

A pleasant day in the neath for one and all. I’m curious if anyone would be interested in some intellectual combat in the form of chess. I’m more than happy to accept any such requests. Future thanks in advance to pleasant company.
if anyones open to helping, Aten here pretty much always needs suspicion help, I can offer help in return on my main!

A young rising star in the Neath, this mysterious individual of indistinct gender is open to all offers of distractions - provided you are prepared for indiscrete inquiries as time demands!

I am new to the scene and looking for someone to show me the ropes a bit, and I’d be happy to provide any assistance I can a new arrival. Thank you in advance.

Hello there, I’ve been active for 2 years, from Germany and am looking for people to meddle with, improving my “Making Waves” to highen my Renown and to allways get rid of Nightmares. Seriously, I’m ALLWAYs near 8 Nightmares. I’d be delighted to receive your Calling Cards.

Luzifer Evernight

After a long period of inactivity I am back and always open to social interactions.

Up and running for tea, chess, boxing leisures, mushroom hunting, ice skating or whatever.
edited by Dottor Mesmer on 10/29/2018

Been playing consistently for a month after a very long absence, and I’m not planning on disappearing again anytime soon. In addition to the actions that net second chances I’m open for sincere menace reduction.

EDIT: No longer trailing the affluent photographer. No thefts from the museum of mistakes, but if you need first city coins I can provide you with some.
edited by Starsky on 12/14/2018

[quote=Antidas]A good day to all of you. For all intents and purposes, my name is Antidas and I would love to find a companion with whom I can test my skills, both in chess and in a friendly spar.
With no malice intended, I feel that I must specify that the candidate must present a brilliant mind and the constitution of an ox. I do not wish to test myself against noodle-armed philistines.

On that note, I have been experiencing the most troubling dreams, as of late. I would much appreciate if a physician could contact me, regarding this matter. A christian one, if you’d please.[/quote]

Nightmares! A most interesting objet of study… Come to my office and we can fix it and maybe we can arrange a sparring or two!

Very much a newbie here, in search of contacts for coffee, sparring, chess, scandals, removal of scandals, or almost anything really. It’s so very BORING to be a hedonist on one’s own.

Would anyone be interested in a lavish dinner at dante’'s grill or being my protage as a charismatic presence? I’m currently looking for assistance in getting 15 notability and doing what I can to get there.

I’m up for most social activities, really! Menace reduction, chess, sparring, coffee - I love meeting new people! Not patronage yet, for I have to yet hit overcap with my accounts.

If we go in particular character though? My main acc (HD) is open to be invited to salons or just have chess games, she loves those ;) oh, and sparring bouts are always welcome with BaL and Nemesis alts, specially! And dinners… Dinners are lovely, no?
edited by nyana on 11/17/2018

My alt is in dire need of Shadowy second chances so she’ll gladly accept any and every proposition of loitering. Any possible favour is no question, feel free to ask or wait for she to offer something else!

Looking for someone to share dinners with, I can assure you I’m a dab hand in the kitchen.

Oswald Kingly-Mortimer

My alt is buried with propositions of loitering, thank you, kind people. And now I have more outlandish request. Could you please rain my main with Suspicion dupings a little? I need to get to New Newgate and keep failing to fail robberies! And you’ll get Suspicion lowering and MW boost.

Thanks everyone, dupes complete! You may send them anyway, because my Suspicion usually drops far faster than grows. But please make a notification on the nature of offer.
edited by curtistruffle on 11/28/2018

Hello! My game play is very chaotic but I’m open to any interactions (and perhaps some advice too)!

Greetings and felicitations! I find myself (Jason DuCroix) bereft of any and all social activity, so I’m up for all sorts of distraction and activity. Just let me know what you are looking for…and perhaps more importantly, what you are avoiding…and let’s see if we can arrange some mutual benefit. Thanks in advance.

Hello friends. Atarah Annesley here, in desperate need of respite from nightmares but willing and game for any type of social tomfoolery you wish. Shall we spar, or play chess? I am at your leisure. Fallen London

Greetings delicious friends…

I find myself one faux paus too many and soon to be exiled to the tomb colonies, so anyone willing to help a perfectly misunderstood gentleperson put some rumors to rest (reduce scandal) I would be most gracious.

Also anyone up for some completely honest loitering, or a nice coffee would be welcome. Link to profile should be in my signature.

Greetings friends,

I am open and willing for any interactions.