I am taking all comers at lethal bouts. After a certain accident involving correspondence plaques … Well, I am not quite as concerned about my skin as I was.
So, hold nothing back. I certainly will not.
edited by Cooper on 1/27/2018
I am taking all comers at lethal bouts. After a certain accident involving correspondence plaques … Well, I am not quite as concerned about my skin as I was.
So, hold nothing back. I certainly will not.
edited by Cooper on 1/27/2018
Dear Friends.
I am available for all social actions.
Hey, I’d happily participate in sparring bouts or chess games, feel free to send those my way. May the best man, woman, or individual of mysterious and indistinct gender win!
My dear friend,
I am currently in need of assistance concerning my nightmares and my scandal.
However, I am open to all social actions.
If you seek the name, let us share in misery.
Trepidly yours,
Simon Beaufell
Dear friends,
I will participate in any lethal sparring and chess games.
Greetings, delicious humans(?)
EDIT: I have recently become an exceptional friend of the Bazaar, and am now able to engage in intimate rendevouz. If you find this to your taste, I can arrange it.
I am open to meeting all sorts of people and doing all sorts of activities. I do find chatting over coffee parricularly interesting. If you’d like to connect, you are welcome to drop me a card.
Child of Storm
edited by Child of Storm on 3/23/2018
Hello tasty strangers.
Im an exceptional friend with the bazaar looking for aquantences as I’ve been a bit… occupied until just recently, not important with what. I’m not a particularly good writer to my mind as my interests… lie elsewhere at the moment. So this post may be less interesting than some of the others.
I’m in primarily in need of a partner in crime so to speak, however I’m certainly not opposed to talking over some coffee or trying my hand at a game of chess or a duel, although I’m not sure I’m terribly proficient in either of the last two.
Oh yes, also I would appreciate some help with my nightmares and suspicion as I seem to be going quite mad as of late and for whatever reason the constables seem to be eying me. Assuming that’s real and not more nightmares… I’d be quite happy to help you with problems you are having in return.
Anyway if you’re interested im known in London by the same name I’ve used here. Im a new player who quite likes to roll play (if you hadn’t noticed by the novel I just accidentally wrote, oops.)
edited by GhostGlitch on 3/16/2018
I am a Seeker of no especial reputation, looking to hone my mind over chess. Many games of chess. Especially against someone I’m confident can beat me. I can get my watchful down to around 100 with a Talkative Rattus Faber and up to 172 with full modifiers, but I’m looking for a chess opponent who I’ll most likely lose to for as many Sudden Insights as possible to get Watchful 200 (modified)
Cpt. Gotthard Redlich fancies non-lethal duels, but is also open to chess and coffee.
Ms. Sallie Foy enjoys activity of a more shady kind, however she does not shy away from other activities.
I’m up for exchanging menace reductions (please don’t dupe me) and sparring , dinners , chess and theft.
Dearest friends,
Ms. Mim hereby formally invites you to play chess with her. Many games of chess. Every day, chess. Quickly. I HUNGER FOR IT. Yes.
Moving on…
As an exceptional friend of the bazaar, Ms. Mim would be happy to treat you to intimate meetings at the House of Chimes. Just let me know!
I am also professionally studying the Correspondence and going insane, so I would gladly make appearances at Orphanages. Bless those little angels <3.
Ms. Mim is sometimes happy to engage in coffee dates, dinner dates, not-at-all-suspicious sneakery, and friendly duels to the death but not necessarily. She offers assistance with any of the little menaces that life in London brings us. She may ask you to return the favor, now and then.
Delicously yours,
Ms. Mim
EDIT: My hunger for chess has been SATED. I’ll still play matches for fun, but not every day. Many thanks!
edited by Kairoshio Mim on 5/2/2018
Delicious strangers,
I seek friends for a spot of loitering, coffee dates and chess. Happy to indulge in a little mutual management of London’s menaces too.
Look forward to meeting some of you.
Greetings, one and all,
I am open to pretty much all social actions except loitering.
I am especially interested in lethal sparring bouts and chess games at the moment.
(Please note, that due to the nature of lethal sparring bouts, I may not constantly be available for social actions. Those ferries simply are not as fast to get off from as they used to.)
For newspapers: Heart’s Desire is my ambition.
I may also talk to your orphans about the Midnighter trade (not that they would remember anything afterwards, but that is the most important lesson.)
Also, if you just need to fill up your influence for certain reasons, feel free to drop a calling card. I am happy to help out.
If you’d like to while away the hours with some chess, this disgraced Correspondence scholar has recently suffered a spot of damage to their intellect, during an ill-advised quest for the Name. Any other social actions are welcome as well!
I seek those who are interested in the most invigorating of pursuits, lethal duels. Please call on me if you are looking for a sparring partner, I can also offer fantastic meals in my private bizarre suite and my time spent on the river has yielded some passable chess skills; I’d love to show you all what I can do.
I look forward to hearing from you,
“Duels? Wossat then? You’re telling me the meat just walks up to you and asks you to try to murder it? Bugger this lurking business for a lark, let’s do that then.”
tries to clear throat, chokes, then splutters, wheezing and teary eyed
“Who among you would like some of this?”
I would enjoy some friendly (or unfriendly) bouts of chess. It’s been a while since I’ve played with the Boatman and I need to brush up on my skills.
Since I am getting back into the Neath, having some fresh new contacts would be an appropriate way to celebrate. It appears all the social actions were revamped–for better or for worse–and I am open to all. If you’d like to guide me on how Sanguine Ribbon Society works, I’d be grateful.
Oh, and if any of my dear old friends sees this, shoot me a message here or in game!
edited by jamilah on 5/1/2018
I have waited TOO LONG! I offer my SUBSERVIENCE in all things for a point of NOTABILITY!