Always looking for diversions of any sort. Glad to speak at salons, if you’ve an open-minded set of guests.
Always looking for diversions of any sort. Glad to speak at salons, if you’ve an open-minded set of guests.
New to the 'Neath, so not able to do much beyond the standard fair. Feel free to add me and send invites, I’ll be sure to accept and reciprocate within a day or two. Feel free to RP! I welcome it and encourage it! If you’d rather just send invites without said RP, that’s chill too.
Edit: I’m also looking for patronage, specifically from a Shattering Force or an Extraordinary Mind.
edited by Emmerich Valram on 10/2/2016
edited by Emmerich Valram on 10/7/2016
[quote=Stygota]Certain taxing [color=#ff0000]matters[/color] have lead me to the revelation that my [color=#009900]insight[/color] has become dulled as of late. I would like to grind my intellect as keen as the edge of a knife, a very, very sharp knife. A knife much like those used to part one of our rather misunderstood souls from the delicious [color=#ff0000]red[/color] that held the slick waxes of understanding.
I am open to any and all chess invitations or watchful activities for the next few days.
Good hunting, delicious friends.
edited by Stygota on 9/22/2016[/quote]
Then you may wish to consider posting a similar message on the "De-Papering the Mind" thread.
Greetings! I am new to Fallen London and would like to offer my calling card to anyone looking for new friends and contacts. =)
Hello, good(?) people of the Neath. I have recently come to this… interesting city. Alas, I had to sever all surface ties, and am in need of some new neathly acquaintances. I am open to everything this city has to offer so you can send me any kind of invitation.
edited by wratanar on 10/2/2016
Greetings fellow Londoners. I am looking for acquaintances for social interactions. I am mostly interested in dinners, chess, and the affluent photographer, but am willing to aid with nightmares or scandal, as well.
Fellow inhabitants of this most eventful city: Finding myself recently arrived, I would welcome any calls at my humble abode. At the moment, my predilection tends towards the intellectual stimulation of chess, though I am easily tempted to other avenues for novelty’s sake.
You will find me, as always,
Humbly yours,
Count Urbino
I have an urgent need of [color=#ffffff]chess training[/color] in preparation for an upcoming tournament. Barring any exceptional [color=#ffffff]opportunities[/color], I will be doing nothing but accepting any and all [color=#ffffff]invitations to a Game of Chess[/color] for the next few days. I am generally extremely active throughout the day, so I should be able to respond quickly. If you’d rather I send the offers, I can do that too.
Current Watchful: 65+14
edited by Lyrositor on 10/6/2016
I have a leftover free evening, urgent desire for those last few cp of MW, and everyone on my list seems to be either out of evenings, or elsewhere, or not logging in at all. And the Time is coming!
Someone who’d kindly allow me to invite them for a private supper would greatly oblige. I have tea and fresh fungal cakes and no starveling cats in residence. Send me a calling card, please? (From what I know it’s a necessary prereq to suppers.)
Edit: Done, thank you!
edited by Tozh Taurog on 10/7/2016
As my Dangerous isn’t high enough, but I want wines from Velocipede carousel, I use Hard earned lesson every time I finish it just to be safe!
EDIT: I have enough Hard-earned lessons for now. Thank you all and good luck!
edited by Skinnyman on 10/11/2016
My in - game name and my profile name is excatly the same -
I have plenty of free evenings to use, feel free to either ask me out for dinner or PM me to ask you for dinner!
Also, I plan on collecting as many Hard-earned Lessons as possible. So send me all your sparring challenges!
edited by James Carter on 10/9/2016
I’m trying to raise suspicion b/c I need to go to prison without tanking my hell connections. I’m open to loitering suspiciously with anyone who’s interested in raising their shadowy stat.
Profile is here:
I’ll update when I get thrown in the slammer.
EDIT: Thanks, no longer need suspicion. I was successfully jailed.
edited by Myrto on 10/11/2016
I’m looking to raise my Influence through the roof, so that I can become a Patron.
I’m accepting all social actions, calling cards, etc. etc.
As a POSI, I’m also not at all adverse to using up my Free Evenings in whatever manner suit you.
Do please drop me a calling card with your requirements, and I will get working on it!
Account name: Mark Watson
Kind regards.
Hello all. I’m a longtime player who, until recently, has been something of a recluse.
The character name’s Matthew Brambley, a Shattering Force. Requests for patronage are welcome :)
Greetings all! I’m looking to use up my free evenings before my TtH comes by. If anyone wants a nice supper for those sweet sweet MW, just drop me a calling card.
I just want to make sure I’m right; Do both people need a free evening?
I just want to make sure I’m right; Do both people need a free evening?[/quote]
Yep, you can’t even invite a player to supper if they’re out of free evenings
Good evening Londoners, I have recently arrived from the Surface after a series of … unfortunate, events, and I now find myself entirely without partners to play Chess with! My social calendar is rather open at the moment, you can find me a few streets north of Hangman’s Square. Specifically:
Greetings delicious friends, i am looking for Sparring Partners. If someone has lust of a bit of old style brawling follwed by Whysky and cigar, do not hesitate to contact me !
As I have just written in the “De-Papering the Mind” thread, I would love to play a lot of delicious games of chess (20 levels of Watchful worth of chess, that is). I would love to hear from you!