Felicia Day loves Echo Bazaar!


Geek and Sundry


Yep, just click “Geek and sundry” in the OP!

Felicia Day loves Echo Bazaar… and she positively melted one or two servers with that little video.
I sometimes can’t help but imagine what would happen if this game became a mainstream success. Imagine McDonald’s putting Fallen London characters in their Happy Meals… (“Mom! We have to buy another one! It’s the Ambitious Barrister again!! Like, my THIRD Ambitious Barrister!!! And I still haven’t got Mr Pages!!!” – “Don’t the Masters all look the same anyway?” – “No! Only Mr Pages carries a pile of banned books in its claws!!”)

[quote=Wieland Burandt]Felicia Day loves Echo Bazaar… and she positively melted one or two servers with that little video.
I sometimes can’t help but imagine what would happen if this game became a mainstream success. Imagine McDonald’s putting Fallen London characters in their Happy Meals… (“Mom! We have to buy another one! It’s the Ambitious Barrister again!! Like, my THIRD Ambitious Barrister!!! And I still haven’t got Mr Pages!!!” – “Don’t the Masters all look the same anyway?” – “No! Only Mr Pages carries a pile of banned books in its claws!!”)[/quote]

Yes! I can see it now–the “McDelicious Friend Meal”.

[quote=Wieland Burandt]Felicia Day loves Echo Bazaar… and she positively melted one or two servers with that little video.
I sometimes can’t help but imagine what would happen if this game became a mainstream success. Imagine McDonald’s putting Fallen London characters in their Happy Meals… (“Mom! We have to buy another one! It’s the Ambitious Barrister again!! Like, my THIRD Ambitious Barrister!!! And I still haven’t got Mr Pages!!!” – “Don’t the Masters all look the same anyway?” – “No! Only Mr Pages carries a pile of banned books in its claws!!”)[/quote]

Rubbery McLumps, anyone?

Not exactly a stretch of the imagination, come to think of it.

[quote=MrChris]Rubbery McLumps, anyone?

Not exactly a stretch of the imagination, come to think of it.[/quote]

Come think of it, they would be the healthier choice on their menu :)

“Two Shroomburger McMenus, please.” - “Do you want red honey with your Rubbery McLumps?”


Oh god, I can imagine it now…

A small child sits down at a table with his father, eagerly unwrapping his Rubbery McLumps. He picks up the McLumps and greedily takes a large bite. All of the sudden, he freezes. An eye starts to twitch. His father looks at him with a mixture of concern and fear. “Are you okay, Todd?” The child suddenly jumps up on the table and starts to scream “THE NAME! WHAT IS THE NAME? NORTH! NORTH!” The father begins to weep.