Feedback request: Store images

[color=#0099ff]Hi folks, Paul here I’m just putting together some online store images for Sunless Sea, and I’d really love your feedback on which of these two is the most attractive and/or grabby: [/color]
edited by MisterArendt on 6/6/2014

I prefer the clarity of the buoy. A viewer has to spend several seconds looking at the beastie to resolve the image, and in that time many people will skip over it without understanding.

Hrrm. The ship-and-monster is a marvellous image, but the buoy is definitely better balanced and easier to interpret.

I agree pretty much entirely with Lily. The buoy image is attractive and allows you to move on to fulfill the goal of the page. The other image is great for demonstrating the unsettling aspect and hooking people curious about the game, so it’s probably good to use elsewhere, but not as the primary image.

+1 to all of the above, who express my thoughts exactly.

Definitely the buoy as a cleaner and more iconic shot that will be recognizable, particularly at smaller sizes, as will inevitably occur in marketplace interfaces and advertisement.

[color=#0099ff]A clear winner! Thanks folks. [/color]

I agree with the above.

BUT…if the second image had one of those underwater face-like things from around Polythreme, then it would not be such a clear cut decision…

[quote=Shawn01752]I agree with the above.

BUT…if the second image had one of those underwater face-like things from around Polythreme, then it would not be such a clear cut decision…[/quote]

Agree that the clay faces under-Zee are great, but I think that the greatness is in their motion rather than as a still pic, perhaps?

I too am in complete agreement that the Buoy image is the best choice for the intended purpose.