This story was great. The tension, the pacing, the mechanics, the fascinating setting were all well done, and I agonized over my decisions a fair bit before figuring out the "right" way to handle it. It was more fun to play than last month’s, though it maybe didn’t give out as much deep FL lore. I liked that it recognised and used my affiliation with the Red Queen and my profession as Silverer.
Now, I just want to share my experience of this story:
[spoiler]I chose the silver stag and fought honourably every time. I didn’t lose a single bout, and the stag’s actions won me two or three tilts for sure. He was brave and bold.
I also don’t see how using the Aureate Stags could be cheating, considering all the weird things competitors used for mounts: a snake, a dragon (wyrm), a stone golem, a column of smoke? Maybe one was riding a horse, but I’m not even sure.
I did as the White King asked. But then I played to beat Reynard, so I could ask the boon myself. So I didn’t get a boon from the King, but I didn’t expect one.
Winning the tourney was my way of ensuring the safety of the two men. In faerie tale logic, it’s bad luck to ask a boon for yourself alone, so this way none of us would be doing that. I asked the Queen’s boon for the two of them, and as a result I didn’t get a curse, er, that is, boon for myself.
I did not expect her to take both of them as her champions. Doubtless the King was unhappy about that, but the couple will be together, whatever they do, and short of Reynard’s wound getting healed, that’s what I hoped for.
I told the Queen that the White King didn’t cheat, because I think he easily fit what he did into the rules. She hated that. Probably neither of them liked my tergiversant way of handling things, but once again, I did win and that is how the faerie tale logic goes. I still got the Judgments Egg from the queen, +7 to Nightmares, a rude shove through a mirror and "the wounds of many scepters" before getting home. She’s a fickle b____, so I wasn’t too surprised.[/spoiler]
This one’s a winner!
P.S. Can anyone share what happens if Reynard or Thomas win the tourney?
edited by Azora Perlino on 2/8/2021