Featuring in the Tales of the University

I just realized that my pursuit of Featuring in the Tales of the University could get me expelled from the university (after all my hard work with the Correspondence Stones) if I follow through on it. How bad would that be, and how easy would it be to get back in with the University? Is it something I want to do, consequences be damned, or should I seek to avoid it?
Advice and tips would be appreciated.
I lost my soul and that has turned into a dickens of a time trying to get it back. I don’t need to put myself up against more sticky wickets.


While you can be readmitted to the University later on, you won’t ever be able to perform actions as a guest speaker again. All that will be available is Shadowy Dealings (which is available even while you’re kicked out), the Committee on Semiotic Safety, and a Colleague with a Problem. Everything else, you won’t be able to do again.
In addition, the moment you continue on from your position as a guest speaker, the Term Passing carousel will immediately go away. There’s a second carousel that comes in after leaving your position as a guest speaker, but that too will be cut off eventually.

Honestly, that’s something that I don’t like, being readmitted to the University feels like it should open up a lot more than just two options… But, for now, it’s just those two actions.
edited by ReusedNPC on 6/28/2018

You may return to the university with 500 Pages of Cryptopaleontological Notes, 500 Pages of Prelapsarian Archaeological Notes, and 500 Page of Theosophistical Notes.

These are obtained by working with certain radicals and take some time to accomplish. To collect them you will need to leave London several times. But honestly there’s not much content in the University after this anyway so I would just do whatever is &quotin character&quot.
edited by Wilhelm Leibniz III on 6/28/2018

Ok, so it sounds like getting kicked out isn’t such a big deal in the long run … and getting back in is too expensive and so not really worth it.
Thank you, that makes me less anxious about mucking around there.

Yeah, the only thing you really get back is the ability to reliably upconvert Memories of Distant Shores (giving up a friggin Portfolio every time is not worth it). Sure, if you stockpile that stuff for MW, it can be helpful, and even if you never go on the scientific expeditions proper you can eventually collect enough just from opportunity cards at Zee.

Hope we get some new content, or at least the same content we had before embarking, soon. Without it, it is a severly unterutilized location.

The &quotTerm Passing&quot Carousel is a great one for grinding things: I wish I’d stayed in it a little longer before creating my own department, which cuts off that Carousel.

That said, the create-your-own-department-and-solve-a-murder storyline is one of my favorites, and you do eventually have to get Kicked Out to do Scientific Voyages, and you get three new islands to visit, each with some modest but cool lore.

[quote=Dr Psuq]Ok, so it sounds like getting kicked out isn’t such a big deal in the long run … and getting back in is too expensive and so not really worth it.
Thank you, that makes me less anxious about mucking around there.[/quote]

To be precise, you don’t have to actually get kicked out to do scientific voyages.

As someone who never got kicked out, the only storylet in the University I see that requires Featuring in the Tales of the University exactly 40 (i.e. don’t get kicked out) is Growing Pains, which has exactly one option - do paperwork you have to do as department head - and gives a measly 52 Cryptic Clues (worse on average than the UB option, although non-RNG based).

[quote=Greg M]The &quotTerm Passing&quot Carousel is a great one for grinding things: I wish I’d stayed in it a little longer before creating my own department, which cuts off that Carousel.

That said, the create-your-own-department-and-solve-a-murder storyline is one of my favorites, and you do eventually have to get Kicked Out to do Scientific Voyages, and you get three new islands to visit, each with some modest but cool lore.

[quote=Dr Psuq]Ok, so it sounds like getting kicked out isn’t such a big deal in the long run … and getting back in is too expensive and so not really worth it.
Thank you, that makes me less anxious about mucking around there.[/quote][/quote]

I did stay in for a long time before creating my own department, it was a good carousel. I got up to Notability 6 before moving on. Honestly, I don’t think there should be a huge rush to create your own department.

That’s true, you’re not obligated to take the action that gets you kicked out. If you take the easier/less moral path, you get to stay on.

And be sure to max out Hedonist using that carousel in case you’ll ever need it.

The first Term Passing carousel is great!

The second unlocks an option to farm Sudden Insights (great for people Looking around), but it is also a great EPA option.
Farm Investigating to 5 using the best option, Raid a Message drop in Flint followed by an exchange on the Bazaar Streets. Do remember that this is RNG dependent, must do it many times to get an average and it’s lower than the Court of the Wakeful Eye farm!
Think my math says that it’s around 1.8 EPA, but you get to stay in London vs Tiger farm which is close to 2.2.

The difference is big, but I find it a nice alternative for people who can be active, log in multiple times, draw cards, do expeditions, follow other grinds. Cards which can boost the EPA, but not sure how high! :D

While stay in the Court is a fast way of wasting AP, do a few clicks and you’re done! :)

Do hope the CC farm was intended to be this big (.16 EPA vs Box though) and not get nerfed! :D

I loved the university carousels. I did not even consider the EPA; they were something different and they had captured the feeling of Oxbridge Academia pretty nicely. Which makes me wonder why they are thrown out the window. I mean, the Court took a long time to be re-instated, but once you had gone through the grind, you could be back and create (even more) art. The university gives you the option to earn your position back but re-instates nothing.

I get the ‘choices have consequences’ thing, but the university and the Velocipede squad make these consequences a complete loss of content. It is… weird.