The Kickstarter for Fallen London: The Roleplaying Game will go live on February 11, 2025 at 10am Eastern. To be notified when it goes live, follow the page at!
It’s doubly helpful to back on the first day: if you pledge for any physical tier in the first forty-eight hours you’ll receive a free devilbone die, and as for us, it’ll help give the campaign a visibility boost which is really helpful.
Fallen London: The RPG will include setting information seeded with plot hooks for your games, numerous character types representing the variety of Londoners fans love from the browser and video games, a full set of conflicts and dynamic systems for departing on ventures across London, and sample ventures to get players started on their journey.
Now I’m so delighted to at last be able to say: you can download a full free quickstart featuring pre-generated characters, a short version of the rules, and an original venture titled “The Disappearance of the Transfigured Poet” by visiting!
Has anyone found the mentioned treat in the pages yet? I plan on waiting to read the rules until after I get a physical copy (reading columns digitally hurts my eyes) but would like to snag the reward.
In the “What is Fallen London” chapter, in the section where it talks about the browser game, there’s a link to it that sneakily contains an access code.
So far it seems quite well-matched to the feel of the original game while still working with the different needs of a tabletop rpg! But I noticed a tragic missed opportunity in the writing that I absolutely have to share with someone:
“But as long as you don’t go dipping your harpoon into acid vats, or
venturing into the city’s tightest, most dangerous quarter in your best trousers, your equipment sticks around” really should have been:
But as long as you don’t go dipping your harpoon into acid vats, or
venturing into the city’s tightest, most dangerous quarter in your tightest, most dangerous trousers, your equipment sticks around.
It includes a pot of Violant ink as a usable item. Notably, as an expendable item. The full mechanics of character creation are not shown, nor character progression, just 5 pre-built characters. Their range looks mostly comparable to T1 professions, although they’re not all on the main list. “Freelance detective,” “Duelist.”