Fallen London: the Candlefinder Society

Afraid not; I’m having the same problem.

So, I am in very beginning. Got the card. From somebody I never heard of. To meet in location that I never heard of. But text for some reason states that it’s “implicit”. After using the option I am moved to said location and text states that I am the member of the elite club, which I never heard of and never signed in with.

Is it something with my memory, or it’s yet another case when FL assumes that we are extremely familiar with something that we never encountered?

I had most jarring experience back in the old days when I encountered Virginia for the first time, Game constantly assumes that she is somebody important and that player knows her or about her… only because she was candidate and later mayor of London… in the days before I joined the game (and probably 95%+ of the player base).

It may have been a while, but you’ve definitely encountered some of them! The Honey Addled Detective features prominently in the Making Your Name: watchful storyline, which you must have completed to draw that card. The Implacable Detective shows up in a wide variety of places including the constables faction card, l the high suspicion card “the vigilant gentlemen in blue” and several early/mid game storylines (Cheery Man & the Last Constable, the Secular Missionary, etc). Notably in the context of you being a member of an exclusive detectives club, both of them ask for your assistance on cases at least once.


I think I’m slightly behind where you are on that case, but as I understand it, it was the puppet-maker (i.e. latest victim), not the Clay Culprit, who went to the Tomb-Colonies.

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Yes, but calling card is specifically from the Urchin Detective, whom I never ever heard of. And how could I recognize his handiwork without being very familiar with him? And deduce the place?

" An Impromptu Invitation
A calling card of sorts has been left in your lodgings. It’s clearly a cut-up piece of newspaper with the print mostly scraped away and replaced with new writing – the Urchin Detective’s handiwork. On the back, written in more recent ink, is a time and date."

“Join the meeting at the Missing Candle
The location is implicit.”

Nov 23 ES The Stripes of Wrath is the background story. I see that it’s on discount too!

Hmmmm, out of place, true! Great catch!

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Hope you’ve got it, but just in case: it’s an expedition in the forgotten quarter.

It is from an ES.

I’m in the same boat as you of having never done it but I am somewhat aware of it thanks to out-of-game stuff. Which isn’t an assumption that should be made for every player, as you demonstrate.

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I’ll be honest, with how little agency I feel Firmament provides anyway I’m not exactly in a rush to get back to it.


Protip for lost detectives:
Look for “Candlefinder” quality in your MYSELF tab, it usually provides clear directions.


You are probably right. I tried going to the Tomb Colonies (twice; once by ship to Tanah-Chook and once by gaining 8 Scandal) and found nothing. Still don’t know how to continue the story.

I should have thought of that! Thanks for the suggestion.

Well, @waterpls, I went to the Base Camp in the Forgotten Quarter (bc that’s what the inscription on my “Myself” page under “Candlefinder” said to do) and completed an Expedition without finding anything related to the story.

There is a special expedition (The Granite Gallery) added to the usual list, probably near the bottom. The regular expeditions won’t help.


It absolutely is a special expedition. It needs 20 supplies, too.

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I’m only partway through the second one of these, but I’m really enjoying them! It feels very back-to-basics in the Fallen London world, with cool little ideas that make you feel how weird ‘basic’ is in Fallen London. It’s a nice change from things getting bigger and more dramatic and world-shattering all the time!


Also, the Implacable Detective investigating jam then cream vs. cream then jam gave me a giggle.


Haven’t seen a special expedition or even a new one, but I’ll look again. Thanks, Mr. Underhill. So I tried to start another expedition and “Granite Gallery” was there . Turns out I missed it because it was grayed out as I didn’t have enough supplies (I had less than 20 though more than 10).

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I really love all the worldbuilding details. I like being able to picture the environment!



A question in relation to the Belfry case. There is a reference at the end to a “Mother Superior”, specifically

> I have certain assurances from the Mother Superior that the bat won’t trouble the Flit long.

Does anyone know what this refers to, and whether there is an ES linked to that reference?
