Eyestrain city

Let it be known that I belong to the endangered species of ‘lovah’ - I wouldn’t know about angst-filled livejournals, but the last colour scheme gave me major staring-into-a-fluorescent-light syndrome, replete with ghostly afterimages dancing in front of my eyes for minutes after exposure and frequent exclamations of ‘what deranged eye-hating son-of-a-sunnelcot designed this theme?!’

You’re quite right about hitting the relevant control on your browser to see the forum in black on white–but that approach also eliminates all other formatting, which I find makes the forum even harder to read than the new white-on-black color scheme does.

[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]Okay, folks, nothing more to see here. As per my last post, some love, some hate, some think we’re a gang of teen-angst livejournallies, but we’re not counting votes and the change is here to stay.[/color]