Eyestrain city

Tell me it’s not just me who loathes, with a passion, white text on a black background. I just do not see the point in taking a text-based forum and - presumably in an attempt to make it more stylish, or something - making it hard to read.


Lady Red (childishly stamping her feet and going ‘waaaaaaaaaaah’)

[color=#009900]I moved the other thread about this (because it got posted on the Announcements forum) and it seems to have been lost in the shuffle.[/color]
[color=#009900]So we seem to have a 2:1 split between lovahs and hatahs here, but the change was made to give us consistent look and feel across the community site, the blog and the company site (about.failbettergames.com). So, we will doubtless tweak details but the change will stay. I hope you’ll get used to it. :-)[/color]

[quote=Lady Red]Tell me it’s not just me who loathes, with a passion, white text on a black background. I just do not see the point in taking a text-based forum and - presumably in an attempt to make it more stylish, or something - making it hard to read.


Lady Red (childishly stamping her feet and going ‘waaaaaaaaaaah’)[/quote]

I’m with you, Lady Red. I can read white on black fine, but I associate the color scheme with emo kids’ LiveJournals and amateurish sites catering to the Ren Fair trade.

Personally I love it. This is a very similar to the color scheme I use in my notepad programs. Though if you really loath this color scheme, you can hit the switch to source button and go back to black on white.

Personally, I do rather like this format. White on black/gray is generally more pleasing on the eyes, I find – I have heard black on white pages been compared to “staring into a lightbulb”, and I must agree. The only issue I would have is with the contrast – perhaps the text can be whitened a bit so it’s not quite so gray?

Edit: Oh, and links are automatically highlighted now, so that’s a plus.
edited by Little The on 10/11/2012

Would it be possible to instead have configurable forum skins, with this present background as the default?

Are there any plans to add support for an inline “spoilers” tag in the forum editor? It seems that the convention until now has been to place spoilers in white text, which worked nicely against the old white background but has quite the opposite effect with the new colour scheme.

(at http://community.failbettergames.com/topic29-spoiler-tags.aspx#post14861)
edited by Aximillio on 10/12/2012

Thank you! I had missed that excellent news.

the worst I found in a post was a blue on black I cant even read it it just seems to vibrate on the page!

Indeed. Light colours like [color=#00ffff]this[/color], [color=#ff00ff]this[/color] or [color=#ffff00]this[/color] works out nicely, though

Thanks for the reply. Alas, I have pretty much stopped reading the blog since the change because I find it so hard on the eyes. I guess I will just have to visit the forum less too. (Is there any chance you could do the original forum style as an alternative forum skin? This would solve the problem…)

Went for a jaunt through Mr Pages’ Fabularities, and it’s pretty inconsequential but the text in Mr Wines’ Christmas Toast is almost exactly the same colour as the background, and thus requires highlighting to read.
I would ask pardon for my meticulous nature. :)

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]I moved the other thread about this (because it got posted on the Announcements forum) and it seems to have been lost in the shuffle.[/color]
[color=#009900]So we seem to have a 2:1 split between lovahs and hatahs here, but the change was made to give us consistent look and feel across the community site, the blog and the company site (about.failbettergames.com). So, we will doubtless tweak details but the change will stay. I hope you’ll get used to it. :-)[/color][/quote]

Now that you’ve implemented the change…

The white on black isn’t too bad, but the bright green on black is kind of eye-watering.


M_L_G that image is empty, you must have it hosted somewhere odd.

I didn’t host anything anywhere, I just typed a sadface smiley : ( except without the space

M_L_G wrote:

Ah, my apologies! While we’re on the topic: I’ve been wondering, whatever happened to all those smilies? The only one that seems to function is :) and now he has an awkward white halo.

bleah, mine only just switched to the white on black… I was hoping I could keep the old version indefinitely! No such luck. File me under “hatahs”

Another vote to return to a more normal color scheme. (I agree with the person who pointed out that while-on-black is mostly used on angst-filled LJs.)