Extracting the text or dialogue?

I’d like to trawl the raw text dumps for my favourite moments and quotes, like the invitation to join the revolutionaries with the &quotour grievances are many&quot speech, and everything the Blind Bruiser ever says. What’s the easiest way to do this?

If you echoed to your profile you can view them there.

Otherwise the wiki has text for non-fate-locked actions, but it’s limited to a snippet of a certain number of characters. What you can do is search the text snippet with site:fallenlondon.com in Google and if someone else has echoed it, it will be on their profiles.

[quote=NotaWalrus]If you echoed to your profile you can view them there.

Otherwise the wiki has text for non-fate-locked actions, but it’s limited to a snippet of a certain number of characters. What you can do is search the text snippet with site:fallenlondon.com in Google and if someone else has echoed it, it will be on their profiles.[/quote]Wrong sub! :P

Our mate is talking about another game. :)

EDIT: But OP can join Fallen London as well! Specially that the Feast is underway!
edited by Skinnyman on 2/15/2019

I would also like to know how to extract information from the game files.

No-one knows, then?