Externally hosted images

Hi, I’m new to the forum.
I decided to create my first story on StoryNexus, but I have a problem with display my images inside the game.
The thumbnail of my image shows correctly in the editor, but I can’t see the image inside the game (when I &quotplay this storylet&quot).

What am I doing wrong? :-)

It’s a bug in StoryNexus I’m afraid; they show up fine everywhere apart from in the quality changes area. If you search back a bit on the forum you can find a thread with some CSS workarounds for it.

[quote=Ancient]Hi, I’m new to the forum.
I decided to create my first story on StoryNexus, but I have a problem with display my images inside the game.
The thumbnail of my image shows correctly in the editor, but I can’t see the image inside the game (when I &quotplay this storylet&quot).

What am I doing wrong? :-)[/quote]