Extension prototype: Fallen London Secretary

Sorry for the lack of response: I have this working, but it has a lot of corner cases and is in general messy. As such, it’s not yet for public testing.

Note that CP counts are accurate if and only if no change of level occurred. The interface is buggy in case of level changes and I cannot reliably infer CP from that.
edited by Alistair Cray on 2/8/2016

I’d be interested in helping out if a few beta testers would make things easier.


problematic or not, i’m eager to try this out

Not at this point, but continued interest is noted; I’ll try to get it into presentable, if buggy, shape.

I’d be interested in this!

I am very, very interested in this.

Way too often I forget to echo things, I keep double checking if I did in the monthly stories; this would help so much.

I will send you gifts of pearl and jewel(in-game, of course) if such a thing comes to exist in my lifetime!

&quotGood news, everyone!&quot

I have taken a stab at stitching the most gaping wounds in this extension’s body, and I think I can give a sneak peek at it.


[ul][li]THIS EXTENSION IS NOT, AT THIS STAGE, WHITELISTED BY FAILBETTER. USE AT OWN RISK.[/li][li](That said, the only non-passive interaction with FL is (manually) echoing storylets).[/li][li]The extension is not in a finished state, and so may break in places and does not cover all corner cases.[/li][li]The extension is heavily reliant on specific markup structure of the page. If Failbetter changes it, extension may break spectacularly.[/li][li]This is only for Chrome, and probably will stay as such.[/li][/ul]Are you cool with all of the above? Then download it here. (Note: this is unlisted in the Store, so it’s only discoverable though this post)

Note: this is mostly intended as a tool for Wiki editors at this point.

Current functions:

  • Maintain a log of last 50 events (storylet-branch-conclusion) you experienced in Fallen London.[/li][li]Provide ability to Echo (record to Journal) for said 50 events.[/li][li]Estimate the Change Points for quality changes.[/li][li]Quick access to the Wiki - from the log, or anywhere as a context menu option for text selection.


  • Keeping track of your Echoes, so you don’t Echo the same content twice by accident.[/li][li]Improving CP prediction using known values.[/li][li]Fixing the longstanding bug with echoing &quotQuoted headers&quot.[/li][li]More corner cases taken care of.

edited by Alistair Cray on 5/8/2016

[quote=Alistair Cray]Note: this is mostly intended as a tool for Wiki editors at this point.
Ahahah! Yes! I’m using chrome now and this extension had completely slipped my mind. This is going to come in handy.

My feedback:
It looks great.
Recording change points yes please.
I can’t see the images for MUST storylets.
The record button isn’t doing anything, is there something I’m doing wrong?
The wiki context menu is great, I use something something similar: http://i.imgur.com/zaEHvyW.png but this is going to be a welcome addition.
It’d be nice to pin some of the events up the top, to make prevent losing any events before we can add them to the wiki.
I think it should be noted that echoing content will preserve current location, not the location where the echo took place (which is how I did this: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/8?fromEchoId=8104603)

And a very minor pet peeve: I personally think cp looks better/makes more sense when written as 5-3 CP rather than 5+3 CP, but again, minor pet peeve.
edited by Cecil on 5/9/2016

No, that’s me not testing it after all the changes. Fixed in version 0.3.3 and should come your way soon.

[quote=Cecil ]I can’t see the images for MUST storylets.
It’d be nice to pin some of the events up the top, to make prevent losing any events before we can add them to the wiki.[/quote]
I don’t understand you here, can you explain better?

Oh wow, that’s nasty. There’s nothing I can do about it though.

For me, + is natural: you’ve got N levels, plus/and M change points on top of that. If anything, 5 (3CP) may be sensible.
edited by Alistair Cray on 5/9/2016

[quote=Alistair Cray][quote=Cecil ]I can’t see the images for MUST storylets.
It’d be nice to pin some of the events up the top, to make prevent losing any events before we can add them to the wiki.[/quote]
I don’t understand you here, can you explain better?[/quote]
In the case of dying by wounds 8, there’s a MUST storylet that you instantly move to upon reaching the requirements, in this situation you can’t normally see the storylet image, the same thing happens with most redirects. It’s still possible to see the image though, if you go to record the storylet (or card in some cases). Exceptional Stories tend to have a bunch of MUST storylets in them.

By pin events, I mean preserve them from being pushed out of the buffer of 50. (does that help?)

Oh wow, that’s nasty. There’s nothing I can do about it though.[/quote]
No! Of course not, it’s just how Fallen London works,

Also, here’s a bug: http://i.imgur.com/78XiF7H.png
The Sulky Bat card is greyed out like I didn’t do it, where clearly I did.

And another: Refreshing also clears the contents of my Secretary out (and logging into a new account appears to require a refresh in order for my secretary to work).

Some storylets do have images attached to them, but they are not show in the interface (not until you AJAX-request the Share dialog). Since I do not send any queries to FL servers, I can’t guess what the image is. All information shown is best-effort at harvesting it from rendered UI.

Refreshing is a known limitation as everything is kept in memory of the tab (as of now). I’m already thinking stuffing the history information in storage (keeping a limit) just for convenience.

The reason for the limit is, well, I do not want to attract the ire of Failbetter by compiling a copy of their texts en masse. I want to keep it 1) limited, 2) ephemeral. As such, I don’t know if manual pinning would go against that spirit. Granted, I didn’t have any feedback from them yet.

Sulky bat is a bug I know about, but don’t understand yet. Somehow the extension loses link between the event and the conclusion (and renders it as an event you didn’t play and a conclusion that’s &quotorphaned&quot). If you can find a non-Opportunity instance, it would help.

Nice extension! Haven’t been using it long enough to encounter any errors or to make suggestions, but I really like seeing all the change statistics (estimated or otherwise).

Ahaha! Found one: http://i.imgur.com/KqbSope.png
It didn’t grab the branch event either.

[quote=Cecil ]Ahaha! Found one: http://i.imgur.com/KqbSope.png
It didn’t grab the branch event either.[/quote]
groans Must it be a storylet only reachable in many, many actions?

oh god it is isn’t it, good luck!

also, I just did it again and I got the bug again.
edited by Cecil on 5/10/2016

And I caught the bug. Now I feel very silly.

No wonder it wasn’t easy to reproduce - random couple of numbers is likely (~97% for IDs that Fallen London uses) to give non-zero bitwise AND…

A bugfix has been published. That’s all the changes for now, hopefully I’ll get some time to work on this further.
edited by Alistair Cray on 5/26/2016