Exceptional Story Help

I’m torn between Paisley and Por Una Cabeza. Which do you think is a better choice? (Propaganda encouraged!)

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I have very positive memories of Por Una Cabeza. The reality of how slow a race of that kind would be is hilariously brought home during the story. It’s generally awash with quirky humour and side glances at various favourite Neathy communities. Also, I remember the plot developments as being well signposted.

My memories of Paisley are perhaps affected by the fact that I managed to miss several threads during the main event and so limited the endings available. Plus, my interest in fashion is, let’s say, limited. There’s an echo of theatrical farce in the quick costume changes required, but at the time, they struck me as a lot of effort. Maybe I don’t have the right kind of mind!

So my vote would be for the Slugfest.

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I really enjoyed Polythreme during the Jack story and the segment of Heart’s Desire that takes place there, lore wise, but I’ll be honest you’re selling me on Por Una Cabeza atm!

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