Yes, you’ll eventually draw that card again, although it could take a long while. The only way to speed it up would be to thin your deck – get rid of all your Connected qualities, companions and pets that cause card draws, move to a remote lodging, and draw cards in an area that doesn’t have any special cards (e.g. Mahogany Hall, Labyrinth of Tigers).

However, such austerity may not be worth it. Having the Face-Tailor quality scarcely changes the story at all; depending on the choices you made in that story (and the fate-locked follow-up), you get a slightly different response from the Bishop at the beginning of Flint, which has no lasting effect. The rewards are slightly different, but commonplace. If you want to read some echoed examples, you can always satisfy your curiosity with links (the first couple on each are the variations relating to the Face-Tailor):

This is slightly disappointing, that he didn’t treat you differently based on your actions in the previous story. I actually expected that he would. But then, I made the opposite choice from you and he didn’t make reference to that either. Honestly, I was assuming that having him feature in consecutive stories had a purpose of that kind… But maybe it was only intended to introduce him to players who’d never met him before.

Anyway, for my part, I am postponing finishing this story until I’ve accepted all my Hallowmas confessions, but I did the first bit (the big initial conversation with him) as soon as it came out. Very interesting stuff, beautifully written. The vocabulary used in this game makes me happy. Where else would I encounter a character comparing redaction with redemption?

Did anyone ask the Dilmun Club about the Knapt, and echo it?

[li]Right here!

Can’t wait for December. And for all these qualities to see use!

Seriously. There are lots of choices here that will affect the next part. It seems Alexis did go nuts with it.

Hm… I am torn between recruiting Three Ladies or Gentlemen and Three Entertaining Sorts. DragonRidingSorceress could go either way.

In practical terms, I think they’re identical (from what we’ve seen so far, at least.) So it’s really just a question of whether you envisage your expedition being evening wear in a neat white dining-tent, or passing a bottle around a campfire and singing to the stars.

Or a mix of both.

I didn’t realise both was an option, but I’m glad it is!

Can anyone tell me what happens if you fail the more violent option of the final confrontation? Do you lose everything?

Just more wounds than if you succeed at that option, I believe – otherwise the same, sends you back to the same storylet to choose another option.




[quote=NotaWalrus]Can’t wait for December. And for all these qualities to see use!

Seriously. There are lots of choices here that will affect the next part. It seems Alexis did go nuts with it.[/quote]

Oh yes, I agree! The Cherty quality reeks of intrigue. I can hardly stand the wait!

[quote=the truthseeker][quote=Agatha Kizmesis][quote=NotaWalrus]Can’t wait for December. And for all these qualities to see use!

Seriously. There are lots of choices here that will affect the next part. It seems Alexis did go nuts with it.[/quote]

Oh yes, I agree! The Cherty quality reeks of intrigue. I can hardly stand the wait![/quote]

Is it December yet?
No? How about now?[/quote]

Patience is a virtue, friend!

I have a question, if I start part one now but don’t finish it, and I am still an exceptional friend in December, will the game track that I am eligible for part 2 if I don’t finish part 1 before December ends? Will there be a tracker story starter I can use in December? I ask because all my actions are tied up on a tough grind with a deadline that ends on January so I am trying to bank all of my exceptional stories until February rolls around. I admit I am confused about how the two part will unlock if I try to hold part one from this month first.

I noticed somewhere that the deputy quality has six possible values. The four acquaintances and that generic lady, as well as a sixth choice that I wasn’t offered - a quiet woman. Did anyone have that option? What are the requirements for it?
edited by Angus Turner on 11/8/2015

Is that perhaps the bishop’s sister?
Does that mean she won’t come along if I didn’t pick her as my deputy?

I feel the need to point out that this is a rather large loophole in the FL economy. Although I suspect most Exceptional Friends would rather continue on to the 2nd half of Flint rather than endlessly talk to the Bishop of St. Fiacre, it’s currently the most profitable &quotordinary, accessible grind&quot in the game, even for a new POSI – and it’s the cheapest way to get Antique Mysteries for say, buying the 5-card Royal Bethlehem lodging.

Even if you grind Jade, convert it into Relics of the Third City and then into Mysteries of the Elder Continent, then turn those one at a time into Presbyterate Passphrases and sell them, it’s around 1.75 echoes per action:

[ul][li]Grind 5000 Jade at Unfinished Business in Watchmaker’s Hill for around 250 Jade per 2 actions: 40 actions (on average)[/li][li]Convert 5000 Jade into 525 Relics of the Third City: 5 actions[/li][li]Convert 500 Relics of the Third City into 105 Mysteries of the Elder Continent: 1 action[/li][li]Convert 105 Mysteries of the Elder Continent into 105 Presbyterate Passphrases by talking to the Bishop in the House of Chimes: 105 actions[/li][li]Sell 105 Presbyterate Passphrases and 25 Relics of the Third City for 265 Echoes after the 151 actions listed above: 1.75 Echoes per action[/li][/ul]Do I have that right? I’m not tempted to try and grind out a goat or cider’s worth of Echoes this way, and I hope nobody else is either – but it would be faster than a lot of other methods. A tiny bit better than spirifage, I think? Maybe it’s close enough to spirifage, and similarly available to fate-purchasers, that this is OK.
edited by metasynthie on 11/9/2015

I feel the need to point out that this is a rather large loophole in the FL economy. Although I suspect most Exceptional Friends would rather continue on to the 2nd half of Flint rather than endlessly talk to the Bishop of St. Fiacre, it’s currently the most profitable &quotordinary, accessible grind&quot in the game, even for a new POSI – and it’s the cheapest way to get Antique Mysteries for say, buying the 5-card Royal Bethlehem lodging.

Even if you grind Jade, convert it into Relics of the Third City and then into Mysteries of the Elder Continent, then turn those one at a time into Presbyterate Passphrases and sell them, it’s around 1.75 echoes per action:

[ul][li]Grind 5000 Jade at Unfinished Business in Watchmaker’s Hill for around 250 Jade per action: 40 actions (on average)[/li][li]Convert 5000 Jade into 525 Relics of the Third City: 5 actions[/li][li]Convert 500 Relics of the Third City into 105 Mysteries of the Elder Continent: 1 action[/li][li]Convert 105 Mysteries of the Elder Continent into 105 Presbyterate Passphrases by talking to the Bishop in the House of Chimes: 105 actions[/li][li]Sell 105 Presbyterate Passphrases and 25 Relics of the Third City for 265 Echoes after the 151 actions listed above: 1.75 Echoes per action[/li][/ul]Do I have that right? I’m not tempted to try and grind out a goat or cider’s worth of Echoes this way, and I hope nobody else is either – but it would be faster than a lot of other methods. A tiny bit better than spirifage, I think? Maybe it’s close enough to spirifage, and similarly available to fate-purchasers, that this is OK.
edited by metasynthie on 11/9/2015[/quote]
I’ve been grinding it whenever I don’t have the focus to do something else. It seems simple and profitable to me (if a bit click-intensive.) I’ve been gaining my Mysteries through side-converting, since I imagine I’ll have to move on in the story long before I run out of tier 3s. I’m hoping it’ll help me make some significant progress on my goat, if only by keeping me focused.
edited by Ian Hart on 11/9/2015

I may be missing something obvious here (bronchitis is inconducive to clear thinking), but I appear to be stuck at the Vespertine HQ. I have attained both my goals, and there doesn’t seem to be an exit, except the front door, which requires K&C memorabilia. Which I do not have. Is there a way to get one inside that I may have overlooked, or another way out?

I have freed the Prisoner, have the cherty quality, and repeated the harder training until I won the rat trophy from the Patroness. Of course, I have the Knapt too. I think I have tried every possible storylet at every sublocation.

Can someone kindly provide a hint at what to do?