I’ve seen it is possible to choose a specialization once you reach 200 unmodified in a given stat. However, what I’m less clear on is what benefit this gives. I know a Legendary Charisma can use Confident smiles to earn making waves, but I’ve not seen options for the other specializations.
Given that we can’t change them yet, is there a point to taking on one of these specializations?
I didn’t know I could use Confident Smiles to earn making waves! May I know where I might find this option?
As a specialized PoSI, one can also mentor players whose stat is less than 100. So, if you’re a Legendary Charisma, you can adopt Proteges and send out lessons to improve their Persuasive (and give yourself smiles and making waves; I’m not sure if the protege gets anything beyond persuasive) if their Persuasive is below 100. Ditto the other stats, I believe.
Also, some options on certain cards require certain specializations, I suppose. I know that you need to be a Legendary Charisma to Flirt with the Amanuensis on his card. (Which gives you MW if you succeed, I believe.)
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/16/2015
[quote=Sestina Valdis]I didn’t know I could use Confident Smiles to earn making waves! May I know where I might find this option?
Also, some options on certain cards require certain specializations, I suppose. I know that you need to be a Legendary Charisma to Flirt with the Amanuensis on his card. (Which gives you MW if you succeed, I believe.)
In this case, I was referring to the Flirt with the Amanuensis option, which I thought burned Confident Smiles to get Making Waves. Sorry if I made it seem like there was another mode for doing this.
Ah, no worries! But yes, other than proteges and perhaps bragging rights, and little options here and there like the Amanuensis one, I don’t think there are very many benefits (I might be wrong; just specialized only a few days ago). I mainly did it for roleplaying reasons!
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/16/2015
Apart from mentoring, the main reason to specialise is to open up the option to raise your selected stat above 200 via notability on an unsigned message. This may be necessary to get your SotC to 21, if that’s something that interests you. At the moment the other specialisations don’t do much - I think charisma also opens one option for talking to Lilac - but they will probably have more uses in the future.
Yeah, there aren’t currently many uses for the specific specializations, so it’s mostly just for boosting your stats over the level cap. On the Unsigned Message card, if you are specialized you can spend all your Notability (which caps at 15) to set your stat to 200 + Notability. However, despite being over the regular cap you can still lose these extra levels to any CP losses such as the Nadir. While the choice of specialization is up to you, I’ve heard that many people choose Watchful as the extra fifteen levels are very helpful with raising SotC, as they lower the need for rare/expensive items like a Mood or Overgoat.
Note that it is currently impossible to change specialization, though it is apparently a planned feature. There’s also the probably currently-unobtainable Paramount Presence, which various people were at various points on the way to it as Alexis said in 2013. Some people have guessed it will be a reward of completing your ambition, while others theorize it may be a higher tier of PoSI past the stat specializations. But who knows.
Note that the Give A Lecture card’s reward is based on your Watchful, so being overclocked in Watchful is mildly valuable in that sense and gives you a teeny, tiny bonus on the Overgoat card as well.