Evolution is Fallen London's next serial story

Could anyone share the echo for entering the Second Sacristan’s cabin while maskless? I was getting worried about Nightmares and so chickened out.

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Here’s the thing I’m not sure has gotten across: Yes, it is fun and does add new things to do while zailing. Yes, I do in fact appreciate, including having tough stat checks to challenge my increasing Zee stat.

The thing is-when having to get the mechanic real good is mandatory to progressing the storyline? Then yeah, it can ALSO, IN SPITE of those benefits be extremely frustrating for someone eager to see where the Naturalist is going next-especially the brief primer on Corsairing did not stress the risk-reward benefits of going of all trigger-happy on every target in the zee. This isn’t something like your Ambition where I accept from the start you’re going all-in to take home the big prize, this represents a drastic difficulty spike above and beyond the rest of the storyline so far. And while I can appreciate it for adding variety to zeefaring, I also feel it’s rather jarring compared to the mostly-narrative driven experience before it.

I also completely disagree about getting 100E of plunger. I don’t remember how long grinding a Stone Tentacle Key took, by I can say with certainty that it somehow wasn’t as frustrating-if only because I knew what I was doing then. The uncertainty, the humiliation of having to be a virtual landlubber to avoid raising Troubled Waters too high reliably and being at the mercy of the RNG of the zee to an extent is more frustrating than the actual process. Like hell I’m not even complaining about having to pay my way with Khaganian currency or return to London to assemble maps, that’s just how the cookie crumbles, but how needing to engage with the secondary goal of Corsairship is tangibly impeding my progress in a way that feels unfair unless you’re already very, very familiar with zeefaring. Something not every player is going to be.

I can say with abject certainty to anyone debating that tradeoff: Even if your Zeefaring is maxed out, the safer route is practically mandatory if you want to corsair as frequently as possible without repeatedly sinking your ship and having that b*stard the Fathomking attempt (and apparently, succeed with the booty at least no matter what) to slap tolls on you. Honestly the frustration of having your progress rolled back even in a slight way is more aggravating than the objective difficulty of the experience.

For the record: I too have somehow attained a +7 of Zeefaring from gear and I still stand by this statement: Avoid the Snares like the plague, be a pirate near London’s waters

It’s always amusing how many members of FL community annoyed when FBG adds some gameplay into the game. Oh noooo, I have to pay attention! Oh nooo mechanics work! Oh nooo there should be no losses and setbacks! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


People complaining about the ins and outs of a newly-introduced (4-5 days old, as of now) activity. Yep, sounds right. Zeefaring was fairly straightforward and “easy” for end/late-game players before this. This update changed it up, for the better.

Just pay attention, learn the mechanics. It’s new.


Damn, this reached the forums! :confused:

Man, the Second Sacristan is really armed to the teeth, huh?


The armies of the Prester sure are many aren’t they?

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Now that I’ve gotten to grips with Corsairing a little more and am having fun now I am no longer always sinking my vessel when travelling between more than 2 regions of the zee, I have to ask: Is the Naturalist still hanging out in everyone else’s boat even after completing the Evolution segment? I’ve genuinely forgotten if he was always there, even on other voyages, or if this is a new thing.

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I think he’s staying there because he doesn’t have anywhere else to go.

It’ll make dealing with Troubled Waters easier, so there is that.

That would make sense. Also damn I’m an idiot, didn’t even remember you could use him to deal with Troubled Waters.

Maybe it’s just me, but I had to watch TW before the Corsair update. I just have to watch it a lot more carefully, and keep constant track of ways to lower TW (or to avoid a TW increase) now. And I agree with Idyl that zailing is a lot more fun now!

Yup, I still have the Naturalist eating up my galley stores.

Could someone send me the echo of the final (so far) notes comparing? The one from the admiralty documents. My page reloaded before I could read it fully so I missed it…

This just out: Fallen London

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Thankee very much, kind Londoner!

Has anyone had their Nightmares reach 8 whilst aboard the Delight?

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Yes, I think it’s on the wiki. It forces you to put the mask back on, which then triggers a nightmare drop and some flavour text, I don’t remember any other results.
I think that one should be it.


I’m really enjoying the challenge of the new update, even if it has meant spending a lot more time talking to Death than I would prefer. As a long-term player its great to have a new challenge! I do agree that having friendly ports marked on the map would be a plus, though - the frustrstion of accidentally docking at an unfriendly port with a TW of 7 is real…


The lighthouses, Partial Maps (when Troubled Waters rises to 7) and high Monstrous Anatomy (for dealing with the crabs) are a godsend. Having gotten used to it I’m basically in the same boat, it’s nice to have a grind that lets you win a little income on the side.

I still maintain that, unlike what some here insinuate, that the difficulty curve was quite steep until what appear to ahve been some recent patches.