Evolution and Irem

I hope someone can help me understand the end part of Evolution and Irem. I am very disheartened by my recent disaster with not getting the ending I desired for Bag a Legend so I am trying to read and understand the Evolution and Irem guides but, frankly, these guides are not very clear.

I believe that I would like to achieve a naturalist’s destiny of 800 which is “acceptance”. Is there anything else I need to decide and target at the same time? Perhaps my own destiny or does that come later?

What do I do in Irem as part of the Evolution story to achieve my target? I am at the “Unlocking Destiny” page which lists six options each of which is unlocked because I have 8 tentacle keys and each of which is also unlocked because I have zero of any of the six types of “comprehension”.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Oh, deciding which keys to use in which order has, as far as I’m aware, no consequence on the naturalist’s destiny: you get to decide that later through the Three naturalist quirks, and there’s a whole thing with the deck about it that describes what happens to the world and, more importantly, the lad himself in each and that also raises and lowers your yn quirks-so really, do whatever fits your character, don’t try to raise any particular one, you can do that later.

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