(For those of you blessed enough to have never used tumblr, feel free to chat about Estival hopes, dreams, and hype in this thread, but for the purpose of The Bit:tm: my only responses will be a daily report on whether or not it is yet time for Estival.)
Mr Pages exposits poetic about the delisucculencse, while Hearts just drools. Players must hunt four million crocodiles, and also a scavenger hunt for lost and obscure recipes, and secondary ingredients. Seven rounds of this.
I’m betting that, if there is a scavenger hunt again this year, (which is certainly not a foregone conclusion) then the A Message from The Bazaar card that you get by finishing the Machinations of the Masters carousel will have a clue option on it. As a result, said card has been taking up space in my hand for about a week now, and I really hope it hasn’t been for nothing.
I am still hoping for a world fair type of event. If I am not mistaken, the surface year is 1902, so the Paris Exhibition was two years ago and I would love to see a lot of surface tourists marvel at THE WONDERS of the WORLD BELOW in FALLEN LONDON!!
And there would be enough room for some political and social tension, without the need for cataclysmic events to keep the event urgent.