ES's Bonus Stories

so, it is my understanding that every 3 ES there’s some bonus content. this content is only avaliable when you play them month-to-month, or if you bought all three in the Fate page you would also get them?

I think that it is available if you finished all three and have the post-story items from those ESs.

I don’t think that this past season’s bonus story is ready yet.

[quote=th8827]I think that it is available if you finished all three and have the post-story items from those ESs.

I don’t think that this past season’s bonus story is ready yet.[/quote]

thanks! I know it isn’t, it’s just that I got 2 out of 3 stories this past season, and I was going to eventually purchase the third one (when they release it).
but thank you!

I didn’t know that it would be an ongoing thing, just that it had been once or twice in the past.
I suppose I should get around to finishing the Seven-Day Reign, then! :-)

It was the case for Heart’s Blood, Family Ties will (hopefully) soon release the bonus content, and we’ve got the Season of Revolutions now. Though the Season of Revolutions may prevent any complex plans in K&C, it seems that the seasonal plan remains.

[color=#ff9900]The Family Ties bonus content will be released next week. I hope you like rivers.[/color]

Guess that June would be a good time to become an EF so I’ll be eligible for the bonus after 3 months. Thanks to this thread and all the answers as I didn’t even know such thing existed.