End of Sackmas?

For the life of me, I can’t find the 12th Day card (allowing me to descend into the wicket). Do we know when the Sackmas cards stop appearing?

Provided you’ve started the story via the first card, it will continue until you’ve completed it, even if you want for months (or so I assume). The RNG is just messing with you.

Curse you RNC!!!

I seem to recall there is a final day for cards, after that they transform into a location where you can finish them up before the season expires.

I assume you meant RNG. Although that typo is quite hilarious for me, being in the US and all.
edited by Pumpkinhead on 1/15/2017

I assume you meant RNG. Although that typo is quite hilarious for me, being in the US and all.
edited by Pumpkinhead on 1/15/2017[/quote]
Republican national committee, or Raleigh, NC? Or is it something else that you mean with the RNC is hilarious?

[quote=Pumpkinhead][quote=Ginneon Thursday]Curse you RNC!!![/quote]I assume you meant RNG. Although that typo is quite hilarious for me, being in the US and all.[/quote]Freudian key slip.
edited by Ginneon Thursday on 1/16/2017

Update: The Mr Sacks cards are now a universal storylet.

I assume you meant RNG. Although that typo is quite hilarious for me, being in the US and all.
edited by Pumpkinhead on 1/15/2017[/quote]
Republican national committee, or Raleigh, NC? Or is it something else that you mean with the RNC is hilarious?[/quote]

I was meaning Republican national committee. Just someone unintentionally saying &quotcurse you RNC!&quot was entertaining.