[ELECTION] I'm contributing [N] votes for [C]!

Right now I’m contributing 30 votes to Jenny. It would be 31 if my TTH had come half an hour later last Friday. It will be 31 before the end of this week.

Now that new secrets are available, some of you who have already posted and assumed that your election career was over might want to reconsider your support.

Never fear, your intrepid pollster will continue to update the straw poll results as you update your preferences, to ensure an accurate and up-to-the-minute reflection of the sentiments of the forum-going constituency.[li]

EDIT: Editing your post, posting a new post, or directly messaging me are all acceptable ways of prompting me to change your entry on the sheet. Happy voting!
edited by ganoidyn on 7/11/2016

Right now I’m at 30 votes (20 ec + 10 not) as agitator for Jenny.

EDIT: Campaigner for the Contrarian! 20C + 9 Notability, for 29 in all!
edited by Hotshot Blackburn on 7/12/2016

Jenny is not a very nice person. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/ShowMore/244488/EventConclusion

Currently at Fixer 14 + 4 Notability for Jenny.

This is Jenny’s Plan:

Amongst the dross, you find a thick carmine volume. It is a ledger, with five columns per page: prominent opponents, their suspected vices, and suitable candidates for performing the corrupting. There are suggested dates - all in the coming year. The final column, still entirely blank, is headed ‘Proof’.’

She is Not A Good Person.[li]
edited by Bertrand Leonidas Poole on 7/11/2016

Jenny is corrupt and is set on corrupting others. Fair enough. Our other options: the Contrarian who has lost control of his campaign, if he ever had any, to forces that intend to destroy the Neath, and the Bishop who only wants one thing, and is comically inept at achieving it. Well, okay, two things: fighting hell, and self-denial. He’s quite good at the second one.

Clearly, the Bishop is the best choice for the city.

Election debate should probably go on one of the many debate threads, so as not to hinder data collection.

I am currently a 20C + 15N Fixer for Jenny, but I am open to persuasion as a swing voter.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 7/11/2016

I’m at 20C + 7 Notability, as a Agitator, for the greatest candidate of all, the Bishop of Southwark

EDIT: as Ochrasy. my alts aren’t participating.
edited by ochrasy on 7/11/2016

My main, Raaret, is currently a 20C + 0 Notability, for the moment, FIxer votign for the Contrarian. So if I could be added, if it’s not much of a bother, that’d be great.

On the subject of my alts, still not sure if they’ll be participating.

My character The Mirthless Colonist is at C8 Fixer and favouring the Contrarian. Currently at Polythreme for the Jack quest so I’m not expecting to progress, but I might get my Notability to 1 if I’m lucky.

Campaigner here. Currently contributing 11 for Jenny with 3 notability. I only just got back to the game, solely to vote for Jenny. Will work on my contributions while there’s still time.

Jenny for Mayor!

[quote=Bertrand Leonidas Poole]This is Jenny’s Plan:

Amongst the dross, you find a thick carmine volume. It is a ledger, with five columns per page: prominent opponents, their suspected vices, and suitable candidates for performing the corrupting. There are suggested dates - all in the coming year. The final column, still entirely blank, is headed ‘Proof’.’

She is Not A Good Person.[li]
edited by Bertrand Leonidas Poole on 7/11/2016[/quote]

But almost no one is a good person in FL.

Besides, neither candidate is perfect.

Mister &quotI perpetually have sand in my Forgotten Quarters because of THEM THUR DEV’LINS!&quot a.k.a the Bishop - is a looney akin to Captain Ahab from &quotMoby Dick&quot. He got no tact nor what is needed to really fight the Fiery Bees. Not to mention his real end game goals are kind of bad.

The Contrarian on the other hand has a very solid mask made from his natural qualities of being sharp witted and silvery-tongued. But behind the facaede of intelligence and charm, he is &quotinsecure&quot, lost and a total pushover. I personally would never follow anyone who shows such lack in core leadership qualities like the Contrarian.

And now on the side tentacle - Jenny. Oh, she ain’t no rose that one. But she ain’t no stale rubbery lump either. She knows what she wants, knows how to get it and most importantly - she does it. I respect that. Of course, the tactics that she employs (i.e hoarding all Londoners secrets East in the safety of the Abby, the subtle blackmailing and manipulation of the populi and so on) are kind of…frown-worthy, but let’s be also honest - such things are, dare I say, normal (be it in the game’s universe and/or in real life).

The real deal with Jenny is to see if she’ll deliver what she promises (as it is always with politicians and pseudo-politicians) which, even as a Jenny voter, I would say is a solid 50/50. As well, it will remain to see if her true agenda will be benign or will it be something preluding the creation of a power-mad tyrant that will in the long run, dunkle our bedunkles (thanks Mr. Pages)…but…eh.

In short - VOTE FER SIR GOOMY! Let’s make London GRAPE again!

/end of &quotthoughts no one wanted to hear.pdf&quot
/intiate apology protocol for &quotLong text in a nice and tidy thread&quot
> &quotSorry for the long post!&quot

Why not? The Bishop’s 'stache is not quite up to the task. Yours are better.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 7/12/2016

20 points of Campaigner fo the Contrarian + 4 Notability.
edited by Magmionify on 7/12/2016

Why not? The Bishop’s 'stache is not quite up to the task. Yours are better.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 7/12/2016[/quote]

You speak with wisdom and rationality. I see greatness and discount coupons in your future.

20 campaigner points (will be achieved soon) for Jenny. I never bothered with Notability yet (not been playing for long), I doubt I have any.