So this year’s election, our third, is absolutely my favorite mechanically. Last year’s was… A Thing, and it really made me happy to see Failbetter trying something new. I’m hoping they’ll continue the trend of making it more fun as it goes. So here’s my feedback on what I loved (the great), what I liked (the good), what I didn’t care for (the bad), and what I really, really, really did not like (the ugly). Hopefully this helps!
The great:
- No more profession-specific currency to grind! A single currency item. This is nice, and I really prefer it to [/li][li]Fixers, Campaigners, and Agitators are finally on equal footing for play! This was by far the worst part of past elections, and I cannot stress enough how happy I am to see the professions actually be equal amounts of fun.[/li][li]Being able to buy past election items in the market, regardless of affiliation. That was really cool of you, and I’ll be thrilled if it continues.[/li][li]Best in stat/only dangerous transport in the market? H*ck yes. I have missed having best-in-stat items get made for events, y’all. I have had a mighty need.
The Good:
- Flash lays are for all professions, and are still pretty fun.[/li][li]The ways to trade reputation for MW and items are super-profitable.[/li][li]Pinning the "advance your career" option.
The bad:
- Candidate cards. Random draws to even talk to my candidate when there’s a two-week time frame. There’s no reason for them to be cards, especially when I can’t discard them anyway.[/li][li]Poll cards as a random draw. It feels unnecessary when they’re daily.[/li][li]No mayoral ball story like last year’s, which was really the part of the last election I liked the most.
- The slow rate of grind for reputation compared with the cost of options that use it. Once you hit profession 20, it’s not as much of a problem, but when you need 4 points per rank of profession and 5 for the last, how on earth can you spend it on the fun lore and profitable options? If the reputation gain card let you repeat item/favor trade-ins for reputation, this would be less of a problem, but when it’s one donation per draw, it’s very hard.[/li][li]RNG. RNG. RNG. It’s a time-locked campaign, and the biggest block of content in it is buried in my opportunity deck under cards for items and other junk. I need reputation to play options, but that’s RNG. I need to spend the reputation to learn about the candidates, which is RNG. Each card dilutes access to the others. I understand that there’s a worry of people blitzing through content, but I’d rather run through it early than never see it at all. I personally won’t be sad if the cards to play the election are pinned, and I don’t think it’d be remiss to try it next time around.