Election | Backing the Winning Horse?

I think I heard that you get special rewards if you support the mayoral candidate that wins. Is that right? If so, is it a one-time reward or an ongoing benefit?
I’m debating if I should switch sides to Feducci, who I hear is winning.

No. No unique rewards. Don’t compromise, all you’ll be doing is throwing things further in the favour of someone you don’t support.

backing the winning horse? That sounds exactly like something someone supporting Fedduci would say, so eh, why not? ;P

[quote=ancusohm]I think I heard that you get special rewards if you support the mayoral candidate that wins. Is that right? If so, is it a one-time reward or an ongoing benefit?
I’m debating if I should switch sides to Feducci, who I hear is winning.[/quote]
You gain marginally more resources by the end of the election itself (2-3 Favours in High Places, IIRC) and it’ll probably be brought up by the mayor in their Fate Story for a minor benefit, like how Jenny gave you a bit more starting Credit With The Headmistress in her Finishing School

You get about 25 Echoes more if you switch to a side that win.

In general it will most certainly be a net loss to switch side no matter what - either you use Fate (which is worth more if spent on, say, Expeditions) or get your Careers halved (at which point losing one or two levels are enough to offset any bonus for winning).

But then again, you probably donated enough Echoes to other people to not come out poorer from the election.

As for text, it is not really special so much as context-dependent (you obviously see different texts from supporting different candidates - like this year’s Mayoral Ball, where Jenny, Bishop and Contrarian says different things if you have supported them in the past eletion).

But no, you won’t get any special revelations for supporting a winning candidate, if Jenny is any indication.

As someone with a long-running interest in electoral systems… please don’t vote for a candidate just because you think they’ll win! Not even in a videogame context! It completely undermines the entire concept of having an election!

There is a social party video game about that though! A simplistic one, where you have a big crowd of neutrals trying to win by determining the biggest flock to join while a select few are actually advocating their own sides. It’s fascinating mind games like werewolf or Mafia, but it’s defunct now.

Of course, that is a party game with no lasting consequences, unlike real life. Or here, where the election does have some minor consequences that people care about.

Isn’t it pretty much a foregone conclusion that this election is completely undermined from the very beginning? Makes sense to me that some people would do what the Romans did: Vote for whoever provides the bread and games.

2-3 x Favour in High Places sounds like a good enough reason to vote for Feducci if one is not particularly invested in neither election career nor the politics of the candidates.

[quote=Gillsing]Isn’t it pretty much a foregone conclusion that this election is completely undermined from the very beginning? Makes sense to me that some people would do what the Romans did: Vote for whoever provides the bread and games.

2-3 x Favour in High Places sounds like a good enough reason to vote for Feducci if one is not particularly invested in neither election career nor the politics of the candidates.[/quote]
Actually everyone gets the exact same number of Favours in High Places, regardless of who wins. The only reward that varies is the number of Journals of Infamy you receive, but that is based not on your candidate but your election career level and it’s ultimately rather small.

So, you don’t get any reward for being on the winning side other than the satisfaction of electing your candidate.

While there is no perfect voting system, if we did actually care about having a decent one we certainly wouldn’t be using first past the post with 3+ candidates. It’s a game so it doesn’t really matter, but the number of split votes is certainly gargantuan. Not even close to pareto efficient.

I suppose, technically, we aren’t voters - we’re campaign workers - so we don’t actually see for sure what voting system is in place - just an abstraction of each candidate’s level of popular support. Technically.

Well that’s in-universe. Out of universe they’ve said they compile the votes and pick the one with the highest. The biggest different from real world ones is that we aren’t subject to “one man one vote”, but rather multiple votes for how much effort we put in (or how many alts we have, heh*).

*I deliberately avoided getting much election progress on my alts thinking it was kinda unfair.

Can this thread please be moved to the Election forum?

I’m pretty sure last year they made the rewards for all the candidates identical specifically to avoid people switching candidates just for the rewards. So don’t switch in expectation of a better reward.

Since rewards do increase with the level of your Election Career, and switching decreases that, if it’s Echoes you’re after you’re better off sticking with the candidate you’ve got.
edited by Ambystoma Maculatum on 7/6/2017

[quote=Ambystoma Maculatum]I’m pretty sure last year they made the rewards for all the candidates identical specifically to avoid people switching candidates just for the rewards. So don’t switch in expectation of a better reward.

Since rewards do increase with the level of your Election Career, and switching decreases that, if it’s Echoes you’re after you’re better off sticking with the candidate you’ve got.
edited by Ambystoma Maculatum on 7/6/2017[/quote]
It’s a really small amount of echoes though. Like, really, really small. Reaching level 20 will lose you a ton of money if you’re counting on any election day reward to even things out.

The best way to profit from the election is actually to have a newspaper and a lot of mechanical devices. When you publish an election edition you get two Favours In High Places and a bunch of cryptic clues. So, like, publishing three newspapers will surpass any election day reward.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/7/2017

That’s true - overall I think the election is designed very much to encourage players to vote for the candidate they prefer, rather than based on any mechanical considerations.

If I really only cared about money I wouldn’t of done any of it except gaining the election progress items from the various candidate’s cards. Oh and getting menace reductions from fixers, of course.

All this talk of backing winning horses and predicting the opinions of “masses” makes me consider the possibility of a Fallen London stock market mechanic. Hmm.

…That would likely be a real headache to implement, and have rather niche appeal. I think Sunless Skies will have a few more trading prospects than Sea did, so that’ll probably scratch my itch to satisfaction.