Election 1896 to Begin 18th June

Remember to never discuss the election in the middle of polite dinner parties with supporters of other candidates. There is a very good chance custard will be thrown.
To be honest, it feels like such a short time since Feducci was elected. Has it really been almost a year? How the time flies, huh. Regardless, I’m going to miss the public duels. Still, it’s hard to not look forward to seeing who London’s big three are going to be this year, even if it’s hard to beat the honey well.
Being able to investigate before choosing a candidate is a very welcome change, honestly. I hope the opportunity deck doesn’t get too saturated with Election cards, though, if only for Vance.

Despite being a highly active player overall, I somehow managed to be in the middle of taking a break from FL for both of the first two election seasons. This will be the first one I actually participate in. Is there a definitive summary of the mechanics/optimizations out there, such as there are for Christmas and Halloween etc., that someone might wish to recommend, so that I can catch myself up in preparation?

You can read this for whatever worth it is. It sounds like they’re changing things this year, though it may just be the removal of the fund raising and so on added last year. http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Election_(historical)

There was some dismay last year about the mobbing option; some people were mobbed continuously, others hadn’t realised what was involved and didn’t want to mob fellow players. So it makes sense that they would change the process again.

Yeah, I remember I literally couldn’t do anything because the second I got rid of one mob, someone else would send one. People must’ve just been constantly refreshing the page waiting for targets to become available.

Will the power of our vote this year be determined only by Reputation? Or will Notability still be counted toward it? Or is that still up in the air?

This doesn’t contribute enormously to the discourse, but… I’m excited. I love Election season!

Considering that it’s been just over eleven months since I began playing, I am myself looking forward to an election where I have the faintest idea of what is happening. Why on Earth Sinning Jenny decided to invite some half-naked wretch who’d just crawled out of New Newgate to that ball of hers, I have no idea.

In fairness, if any political figure in Fallen London would invite half-naked wretches to balls, Sinning Jenny would be the one.

Well, as a newcomer to Fallen London, I have no expectations and am just looking forward to a the routine I’ve already fallen into.

Seven is the number. Seven is the name.

Put seven letters in the box for write-in candidates, friends. A reckoning is not to be postponed indefinitely.

[quote=Parabuteo]Seven is the number. Seven is the name.

Put seven letters in the box for write-in candidates, friends. A reckoning is not to be postponed indefinitely.[/quote]

Ooh. A seeking candidate would be nice. Though I guess there’s only the Northbound P.

Same here for the most part. I am participating and curious to see how things pan out.

How great is it that you can buy just Bees??

The &quotblink&quot effect should be much less this year with the delayed candidate choice.