Election 1896: The Captivating Princess

[quote=Frenjamin Banklin]would prefer if the mayoral candidates were just a bit more evenly matched, the princess mayor seems like a forgone conclusion at this point.

I don;t mind the portraits at all, although they are a rather marked deviation from the regular FL style.
edited by Frenjamin Banklin on 6/18/2018[/quote]

Yeah; people in this game will ALWAYS favour the outrageous / meme candidate - god knows I certainly will, do, and shall. It’s why Sinning Jenny and Feducci won, and why the Princess has this in the bag.

Of course, she has my vote, because she got me back into Her Enduring Majesty’s court and I repay my debts.

I’m scared.

I feel as if she’ll stab me if I don’t vote for her.
edited by Seon on 6/18/2018

I would think the Jovial Contrarian is a foregone conclusion… huh.

Just for fun - and I promise this will be the last time you see me post on the topic ;) - me and my friend played around with the new Princess art to match her a bit closer to the original version.

here’s mine, edited the Sskies portrait someone linked

and his, based on the election poster!

Considering how things play out during The Gift, I’m really not on board with her talking about turning the city into something that would delight &quotthe appetite.&quot :|

I wouldn’t be so quick to judge, since many revolutionaries have the interests of London and her people at heart. Many even take up the cause because of perceived injustice and the harm that’s come to the city (however valid or accurate these reasons may be). And even with his revolutionary ties, the Contrarian is notorious for his dual stance on any matter. Last year, he took up a position for a free and democratic London, even risking to remain balanced by snubbing his influencial revolutionary contacts and attempting to find a revolution in which &quotthe lights need not go out&quot. This year, he’s calling for a more orderly London with respect to the law. How anti-revolutionary this movement is, I can’t be for certain, but I wouldn’t say anti-establishment goals are worse than selfish indulgence and harm of citizens.

I agree! Her new portrait is a bit different, but it’s still recognizable to me as the Princess and overall a lovely touch-up. I particularly liked how her complexion in this and the SS portraits bares the face of a young and vibrant socialite while almost seeming offputting due to how &quotperfect she seems&quot. Still doesn’t mean I’ll vote for her; honestly, I’d toast a drink with her as soon as I’d shove her into the silent river. Also, while I could see where some are coming from with age consistency, I wouldn’t call her a teenager. She is youthful and healthy to an almost unnatural degree, and though I understand others’ want for accuracy, we have seen children in FL, and a child she is not.

[quote=Seon]I’m scared.

I feel as if she’ll stab me if I don’t vote for her.
edited by Seon on 6/18/2018[/quote]

I’m scared of this &quotart exhibition&quot she’s going to have. It’ll probably be like last time
edited by Ixc on 6/19/2018
edited by Ixc on 6/19/2018

Well, this was the easiest in-character choice I’ve ever had to make.[li]

Well,she’ll get my vote for sure.
I would love a London with more stability and art,expecially without annoying journalists who dare to create chaos and scare fellow citizens (really don’t care about the monster thing,that’s all fake news from the revolutionaries).
edited by Nagaretsu on 6/19/2018

Sigh. How much of the Princess’ lore is Fate-locked? I have played everything so far, but it occured to me that for most, she is just a spoiled, charming royal while for others… she is something else entirely.

I suppose that’s rather in-character, is it not? Especially if she ends up winning purely due to the average player not being properly informed.

I’m honestly torn between Slowcake, who I took the lead in nominating, and the Princess, who is so magnificent…

I guess that means that partisans will have to try and persuade me for a change.

That’s the point of an election campaign,selling dreams and lies to get the trust of the people,and I think she’s the best at It.

That’s the point of an election campaign,selling dreams and lies to get the trust of the people,and I think she’s the best at It.[/quote]
In all fairness, she has some pretty stiff competition in that department though.

[quote=Seon]I’m scared.

I feel as if she’ll stab me if I don’t vote for her.
edited by Seon on 6/18/2018[/quote]

Naa,she’ll invite you to palace cellar and you’ll talk about election while drinking some good old wine ;)

[quote=Nagaretsu][quote=Seon]I’m scared.

I feel as if she’ll stab me if I don’t vote for her.
edited by Seon on 6/18/2018[/quote]

Naa,she’ll invite you to palace cellar and you’ll talk about election while drinking some good old wine ;)[/quote]

Wine isn’t a problem; if she offers you Honey, watch out.
edited by cathyr19355 on 6/19/2018

How can anyone not vote for the princess? Look at those eyes burning brightly almost like… the sun… the sun the sun the sun the sun the…

Millea, I like your version of the Princess. :)

I like the original’s as well (old and new).

I’d vote if I could, but sadly I cannot from where I am now.

An Echo of what happens if you ask the Jovial Contrarian about the Captivating Princess: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Kharagal%20Mierqid?fromEchoId=14264662

The Princesses’ new art is well done, but a little too Rococo for my tastes. But then I tend to like more abstracted styles. I loved the first year election posters, absolutely LOVED them. But I guess it makes more sense to use elections as an opportunity to present new reusable art, as opposed to creating specialized one time stuff. Oh well.

For those who prefer the older, more openly demonic images, just imagine that this blue eyed innocence is how the Princess (who is a shapechanging Neath monster btw) is painted in her official portraits.