Ooh, of course, thank you.
I have to give them that I like these ongoing polls. I find the current one particularly entertaining:
"Were they trapped in a burning building - really burning, incandescent, in fact - which of this years candidates would you rescue first?"
Jovial Contrarian - ‘He’s likely to stay in the building out of bloody-minded temperament, while everyone else rushes for the exit.’
Heh, I could actually see that happening.
[quote=Plynkes]Maybe it’s just me, but it’s pretty boring, gameplay-wise this time. Doesn’t really feel like anything much is happening at all. The cards just aren’t appearing often enough to make me feel I’m involved in the election in any significant way. The election feels like it is something happening somewhere else, and I am just occasionally hearing about it. Didn’t feel like that the previous times.
And this is more personal and subjective, but this time I really don’t care who wins. That hasn’t happened before either. Before there has been someone I wanted to win, or last year someone I didn’t want to win. I have no clue who I am going to support, if anyone.[/quote]
Personally, I’ve been enjoying the week, if only for the challenge of trying to figure out how to deal with the barrage of favours! Far from being bored, I’m overtaxed running around trying to cash out the d___ed things. With Favors in the Flit at frequent now, I think I’ve seen that card more this week than all of the rest of this year combined. So it is a novel week that shakes up my usual grinds, if nothing else.
Granted, that isn’t directly election-related. But even there the pacing seems relatively fine. I’m halfway up my electioneering ladder, I’ve done about half of the exploration options on each candidate card and would guess I’ll have time to finish both tasks (leveling up and learning about candidates) by the week’s end, in time for the second week. Huffman’s polls are amusing.
I will admit that my choice of electioneering profession seems inconsequential and there isn’t much involvement there other than leveling it up, but I presume that will change next week. The jury is still out on that.
The candidates seem interesting too. I’ve never really considered Slowcake before, so was intrigued to realize I’ve never actually met the "man". I’ve always been a fan of the Contrarian and was pleased to see him back this year. That a royal is running is amusing. I’ll be interested to see how things play out next week.
And thank heavens, I don’t feel compelled to do that b___y notability grind again!
So kudos to FB thus far for a relatively interesting (and at least non-enraging) first week of the election!
edited by Shaerys on 6/20/2018
Huh, Favors in the Flit has been set in frequent? This alone makes the Elections worth it!
As for the rest of it… there is nothing to do. No Flash Lays, no social actions… With no cap on your career, and no candidate to like, so far advancing it seems like a waste of resources to me (though I still do it of course - slacking is not an option!).
Now, not every festival has to consist of players running around like madmen. It is just that being used to previous elections this feels like a downgrade. Still, I am looking forward to what the next week will bring.
The result of turning in a Short Story for Reputation feels a bit out of place: "You are accused of heavy-handed allegory – that business with the bandaged gun-toting rat and the honey-mazed cat, to say nothing of the bespectacled owl." I suppose that’s what I get for using an old Short Story instead of writing a new one.
All the favor related cards seem to have been boosted to Frequent. This has been slightly troublesome for me since Implausible Penance has been evading me and I’m running out of expedition supplies to burn Criminals favors.
Seems to me that most of Londoners complains on moral integrity,sincerity,humaneness… of all candidates (vote for less evil). And that same Londoners vote for Feducci last year ???
You know, if the Contrarian stays in a burning building out of sheer bloody mindedness, then he deserves what he gets :P
I had a hard time deciding between the Princess and Mr. Slowcake. But then I decided that in such emergencies royalty always has priority.
As much as it pains me to be a critic, I’ve got to say I am not overly fond of this year’s change in the mechanics. Particularly the removal of any and all ways to reliably take part in election by doing one of several grinding options stings. I admit I dislike all events that are solely card-draw-based, since I seldom get lucky with the draw and it’s somewhat frustrating to flip card after card without any relevance to the election.
I think upgrading frequency of the favours-giving cards is hurtful in this regard. Don’t get me wrong, it makes this election excessively profitable and is cool for the lower-tier players who might rely on favours for reputation gain and especially reown grinding.
But with such a large number of cards suddenly upping their frequency, I don’t think the Reputation-furthering card is frequent enough. In effect, even if you were relying only on the favours to build Reputation, you’d still never be able to convert the favours as fast as you gain them.
Today, I’ve flipped perhaps 50-70 cards. Reputation card has shown up exactly zero times. IMO, Abundant frequency is not enough for those of us who have our deck cluttered with the chaff that comes from years of playing. And not being able to improve the chance of drawing in a reasonable way makes one feel stuck and powerless. Not a good feeling to have, even if it does loads to make the whole affair more like a real election than a game…
I doubt "most of Londoners" complain about morality. It seems more like a comparatively small, if vocal, group to me.
Others argue morality, but only when it’s convenient for them. I know of more than one character/person - myself included - that absolutely despise one candidate yet love another who is just as bad because that one is more charming / stylish / interesting etc.
For instance, one player might love Feducci because they think he is an awesome badass with an interesting background, while they might absolutely hate the Captivating Princess because they think she is a vain and narcissistic monster who indulges in red honey.
In that case they might argue morality against the Princess but dismiss or just don’t care that Feducci is a killer and former slaver.
Akernis is correct - Feducci would not be elected if he was just a monster. His badassitude was in the forefront. Plus, you know… he was not a literal monster, like the princess and Slowcake.
Whom I will never forget for making me consider the Contrarian as a viable option.
[quote=Aardvark]As much as it pains me to be a critic, I’ve got to say I am not overly fond of this year’s change in the mechanics. Particularly the removal of any and all ways to reliably take part in election by doing one of several grinding options stings. I admit I dislike all events that are solely card-draw-based, since I seldom get lucky with the draw and it’s somewhat frustrating to flip card after card without any relevance to the election.
I think upgrading frequency of the favours-giving cards is hurtful in this regard. Don’t get me wrong, it makes this election excessively profitable and is cool for the lower-tier players who might rely on favours for reputation gain and especially reown grinding.
But with such a large number of cards suddenly upping their frequency, I don’t think the Reputation-furthering card is frequent enough. In effect, even if you were relying only on the favours to build Reputation, you’d still never be able to convert the favours as fast as you gain them.
Today, I’ve flipped perhaps 50-70 cards. Reputation card has shown up exactly zero times. IMO, Abundant frequency is not enough for those of us who have our deck cluttered with the chaff that comes from years of playing. And not being able to improve the chance of drawing in a reasonable way makes one feel stuck and powerless. Not a good feeling to have, even if it does loads to make the whole affair more like a real election than a game…[/quote]
You make a good point. As one of those folk whose deck is "cluttered with the chaff that comes from years of playing," I can say that I don’t think I’m getting the Reputation card enough to be able to build career stats from it–and I’ve seen the card about 5 or 6 times now since Monday.
Do we know what career stats are we supposed to build? The system seems to favor the lucky - I also got the card 5 or 6 times and I draw constantly, even renewing it often through Jenny’s school.
This is my first election as i found this game very recently. I love this game so far, seriously, but i’ve grown bored of this part.
Maybe i’m unlucky, but the card to upgrade the rank is so infrequent and the other cards seems to do so little that i feel that i’ve been put on a treadmill without end. It’s simply not fun to wait for the cards to refill to find useless cards again and again.
If you’re using the 5 reputation offerings on the card and it’s appeared for you 5 times, you’ll get enough reputation to be halfway through your career already, assuming you’re spending it on just that and not interrogating candidates about their reasons for running and such.
[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=Aardvark]As much as it pains me to be a critic, I’ve got to say I am not overly fond of this year’s change in the mechanics. Particularly the removal of any and all ways to reliably take part in election by doing one of several grinding options stings. I admit I dislike all events that are solely card-draw-based, since I seldom get lucky with the draw and it’s somewhat frustrating to flip card after card without any relevance to the election.
I think upgrading frequency of the favours-giving cards is hurtful in this regard. Don’t get me wrong, it makes this election excessively profitable and is cool for the lower-tier players who might rely on favours for reputation gain and especially reown grinding.
But with such a large number of cards suddenly upping their frequency, I don’t think the Reputation-furthering card is frequent enough. In effect, even if you were relying only on the favours to build Reputation, you’d still never be able to convert the favours as fast as you gain them.
Today, I’ve flipped perhaps 50-70 cards. Reputation card has shown up exactly zero times. IMO, Abundant frequency is not enough for those of us who have our deck cluttered with the chaff that comes from years of playing. And not being able to improve the chance of drawing in a reasonable way makes one feel stuck and powerless. Not a good feeling to have, even if it does loads to make the whole affair more like a real election than a game…[/quote]
You make a good point. As one of those folk whose deck is "cluttered with the chaff that comes from years of playing," I can say that I don’t think I’m getting the Reputation card enough to be able to build career stats from it–and I’ve seen the card about 5 or 6 times now since Monday.[/quote]
Agreed! I’m still grinding up the tip top renown levels, so the favors are nice, but I’ve literally not gotten the Reputation card once in 2 days (missed Monday)
ONE! DAY! I might be able to upgrade my reputation. ONE DAY.
Because I sure haven’t seen it yet…
edited by MidnightVoyager on 6/20/2018
Is there no cap on your campaign level? I had assumed that like last year it would cap at 20.
It does still cap at 20, yes.
[quote=Akernis]I have to give them that I like these ongoing polls. I find the current one particularly entertaining:
"Were they trapped in a burning building - really burning, incandescent, in fact - which of this years candidates would you rescue first?"
Jovial Contrarian - ‘He’s likely to stay in the building out of bloody-minded temperament, while everyone else rushes for the exit.’
Heh, I could actually see that happening.
See, I voted Contrarian in that one, because, with his wheelchair, I thought he might need some assistance managing the stairs.
Also because the Princess probably set the fire and Slowcake’s unlikely to be harmed by it, but that’s by the by.