All of the choices this year are fun options to me, and I really appreciate that. I think this is the first election where I didn’t have a proper favourite because all three of them are bound to explore things I’d be interested in.
So what does the reputations card look like? What am I looking for here? I know I’ll know the name, but what’s the picture on the card?
A shadowed gentleman making a toast with a rich glass of wine.
You’ll know it when you find it because you can’t discard it.
A shadowed gentleman making a toast with a rich glass of wine.
You’ll know it when you find it because you can’t discard it.[/quote]
Undiscardable? Oh good, thank you. I was sorta starting to worry I’d accidentally discarded one.
edited by MidnightVoyager on 6/23/2018
[quote=Anne Auclair]
Also strange are people complaining that all the choices are bad - I find them all excellent! And I’m wondering what this says about me…?[/quote]
Bad as in evil, not as in they’re poor for gameplay (by gameplay I also include things like debating on the forums, since otherwise FL doesn’t have traditional gameplay per se).
Let’s recap. 1894: questionable but supposedly philantropic; extremely patriotic; mildly to moderately revolutionary. You had a choice for the poor (practically good), a choice for London (also good - assuming you’re willing to accept that Hell is evil, however fun they may be as a faction), and a… revoltionary? choice (it’s still not confirmed, but this one would be alarming to anyone staunchly anti-liberation).
1895: literally a foreign agent; purely supporting law and order; advocate for temperance and the poor. Here one was clearly evil (although he didn’t end up getting to much evil during his term - which could also be ascribed to the almost total lack of actual executive power the mayors seem to have), one was morally good (upholding the law and removing corruption and all that), one was ethically and practically good.
1896: popularly dubbed "a monster" a nonexistant figurehead of hell; possible revolutionary and questionably principled. Here, one candidate likes to subject people to extreme torture, Slowcake is what he is, and the same people as in 1894 are still miffed about the last one’s revolutionary connections. There is no single candidate that truly bodes well for London, except the Contrarian if you’re tolerant towards possible revolutionary connections - and even if you accept that, it’s still 2 evil vs. 1 good, whereas in the previous years it was the opposite.
So again, the candidates aren’t boring or anything. They’re just questionably fit to rule.
[quote=Dudebro Pyro][quote=Anne Auclair]
Also strange are people complaining that all the choices are bad - I find them all excellent! And I’m wondering what this says about me…?[/quote]
Bad as in evil, not as in they’re poor for gameplay (by gameplay I also include things like debating on the forums, since otherwise FL doesn’t have traditional gameplay per se).
Let’s recap. 1894: questionable but supposedly philantropic; extremely patriotic; mildly to moderately revolutionary. You had a choice for the poor (practically good), a choice for London (also good - assuming you’re willing to accept that Hell is evil, however fun they may be as a faction), and a… revoltionary? choice (it’s still not confirmed, but this one would be alarming to anyone staunchly anti-liberation).
1895: literally a foreign agent; purely supporting law and order; advocate for temperance and the poor. Here one was clearly evil (although he didn’t end up getting to much evil during his term - which could also be ascribed to the almost total lack of actual executive power the mayors seem to have), one was morally good (upholding the law and removing corruption and all that), one was ethically and practically good.
1896: popularly dubbed "a monster" a nonexistant figurehead of hell; possible revolutionary and questionably principled. Here, one candidate likes to subject people to extreme torture, Slowcake is what he is, and the same people as in 1894 are still miffed about the last one’s revolutionary connections. There is no single candidate that truly bodes well for London, except the Contrarian if you’re tolerant towards possible revolutionary connections - and even if you accept that, it’s still 2 evil vs. 1 good, whereas in the previous years it was the opposite.
So again, the candidates aren’t boring or anything. They’re just questionably fit to rule.[/quote]
1894: In "questionable but supposedly philantropic"’s defence she does open up a finishing school for the disenfrachised-which is still a permanent fixture for my character at least. It’s just that if the thing with the Masters strongarming you into accepting fewer concessions that you initially wanted (and hurridly shutting up Mr. Iron when he was about to express his opinions on the nature of their employment) is any indication, the Mayors ultimately seem to be a kind of figurehead for the Bazaar’s machinations. Bread and circuses rather than applying the spirit of democracy in good faith. Based on that I’d argue Sinning Jenny was the lesser of three evils based on the fact that among the other options the Contrarian had a massive falling-out with his Revolutionary base who wanted to be much more, well, revolutionary about the whole thing and the Bishop wanted to restart a war that London lost abyssmally. With no evidence on any real game plan for how to do better the second time scattered through the entire game, except maybe sell out to the Fingerkings instead.
I think-at least, it was definitely the case for me-that strongly influenced the 1895 election. I just decided to vote for the cadidate who would be the funniest and most ambitious farce. Feducci ultimately accomplished next to nothing except open more gambling/duelling dens and play pretend at a marriage with the Princess they ultimately gave up on. If anything I’m disappointed that even he seemed frustrated in himself at how little he managed to upset the status quo.
But why am I planning on backing the Princess this time around, when she seems the most comfortable candidate in the status quo? Because frankly the other two aren’t bringing anything better to the table. Slowcake (or what he represents, if the man doesn’t exist) is a very banal form of evil at best, and promoting a predictably flawed system no one of importance will be bothered much by. I don’t trust the Contrarian to hold a coherent platform after his previous performance.
So yes, I am voting for the absolute monster. Because I believe her when she says all she wants to do is sit back and party, and I also believe it’s something the Bazaar won’t get in the way of.
Way too busy on the surface specially that I have to take care of 3 extra cats (that all behave like a Starveling one since they enjoy food).
Due to this, can anyone point out a collection of extra details about our candidates? I updated the sheet with the rest of the two missing results (got them at last), but I find this year candidates bit awful! Casting a vote won’t be easy so I intend to gather a lot more information about them; echos preferably!
Many thanks!
will the reputation card be able to be drawn after today? i’ve literally only gotten it twice…
An update: I have to date drawn the “Further Your Reputation” card four times.
[quote=Skinnyman]Way too busy on the surface specially that I have to take care of 3 extra cats (that all behave like a Starveling one since they enjoy food).
Due to this, can anyone point out a collection of extra details about our candidates? I updated the sheet with the rest of the two missing results (got them at last), but I find this year candidates bit awful! Casting a vote won’t be easy so I intend to gather a lot more information about them; echos preferably!
Many thanks![/quote]
I can send you an echo tomorrow for casting a vote with the princess. I have been fearfully. Holding onto the card to ensure I will be able to vote this year.
Thank you for compiling the candidates’ card results! I find Mr Slowcake’s plans for London very interesting.
I have to say I can’t favor the proposal for property reassignment. It’s a good idea when the property itself has intrinsic economic value, like farmland, but if it’s properties in a city, it’s hard to objectively decide who deserves what property. But then again, economic productivity isn’t even a factor in Fallen London, is it?
But the proposal to nationalise the Flit is devastatingly charming. The main economy of the Flit, of course, is petty crime, and begging. But now it will be managed by the government, and the proceeds will go to it. The Flit will become the tax-collection center of the city - citizens who cooperate will give to the beggars, and the urchins will steal from those who are uncooperative. The master thieves will be in charge of taxing wealthier entities, such as the Palace, the Embassy, and the Bazaar. (You could argue that the Embassy is not within the jurisdiction of London, but the activities of the Flit were never legal in the first place, was it.) I’m entirely fond of this idea.
Anyway, I feel a rock-paper-scissors dynamic where the Princess is preferable to the Contrarian, but Slowcake is preferable to the Princess, but the Contrarian is preferable to Slowcake. Does anyone else feel the same?
Something I can’t help but notice. This election is almost like the Campaigner/Detective have been combined, while Feducci has been split in half. The Princess has all of Feducci’s dash, charm, ego and general wickedness, while Mr. Slowcake has Feducci’s devil in plain sight cover, egalitarian rhetoric, and unappetizing foreign associations. Which is an interesting dynamic when you consider that Feducci only got 45%. It also highlights just how awful Feducci was and is - the current candidates are only half as bad as he was :P
I voted for the Campaigner with all my heart, I even got a bit sad when Feducci was elected, but I must say his agenda was child’s play compared to Slowcakes’s and the Princess’ agenda.
Next year’s candidate: the Vake. ‘Sit still. I just want to eat you.’
Only a few more hours and we can cast our votes. Anyone still undecided? I’m looking at you Auclair.
Oh, I have my criteria all figured out.
I’m in the curious in-character position of the Captivating Princess being the only sensible choice, so that vote’s squared away. I’m not really sure who I’d find the most interesting from a player perspective, so I’ll just go with what makes sense for my character and see how all this plays out.
Oh man, it’s so weird being in the wrong timezone where I can’t vote for another 18 hours or so. By the way has anyone found a use for Reputation after exhausting all candidate info and maxing out your Profession? If not, I’m planning to reap a bountiful harvest of Aeolian Screams as the whole thing winds down.
Okay for me the casting your vote option is not available.
This is because on my site portal it does not register the Date as June 25th.
I think me being actually British might have something to do with it.
edited by Deathjack999 on 6/25/2018
In case of interest, the three failures:
Based on how updates usually work, the next stage of the election should unlock for all players at once, when Failbetter trigger it to go live.