Election 1895: The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner

Yes. Oh yes. Yes indeed. The Revolutionaries have the most in common with the Dauntless Temperance Crusader, and just as with the Contrarian if one seeks a better and more exciting London (just London? No, the stars themselves!) one should support the candidate that is tied with them most intimately. Calendar Council for Secret Mayor 1895 would be the best outcome for everyone in the city, and anyone associated with them has my support.

But this is about Feducci. He will not create lasting change, or even real change. Feducci’s platform is built on the concept of a chain that cannot be broken, only moved up and down. He even acknowledges that &quotThe kings and queens of the game are ensconced&quot - that the system is fundamentally permanent, which shows a lack of imagination for one so supposedly bold and brazen. This is already in place. And moving up and down the chain is, ultimately, a gamble. The poor can rise to the ranks of high society in an hour, and fall back into poverty within the next. You can ride high on luck, and be brought low through no personal effort of your own. This too is already a part of the current status quo in London, and not so revolutionary an idea as it sounds at first glance.

In the end, he is a sham of a candidate. His ‘lasting change’ is nothing more than luck of the dice, cast for everything. He appeals to those that think they will gain while ignoring the possibility of greater loss. He will not try to burn the system to the ground, and those that would seek such a thing would be best advised to turn to more…susceptible candidates.

Also remember that the Temperance Campaigner wants to murder the Calendar Council. Thanks, Hallowmas!

Also, still seeking three Large Donations to swap with someone.

I just had a queer thought. I wonder if the &quotDauntless&quot in the DTL is actually her name, rather than merely just an adjective. As in, the temperance campaigner from the Dauntless family?

It’s just there’s a chap I know at the Young Stags called Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. I wonder if they’re related? :)

And seeing her relative’s shameful behavior has convinced her that the city needs a better example of how to be civilised.

[quote=Plynkes]I just had a queer thought. I wonder if the &quotDauntless&quot in the DTL is actually her name, rather than merely just an adjective. As in, the temperance campaigner from the Dauntless family?

It’s just there’s a chap I know at the Young Stags called Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. I wonder if they’re related? :)[/quote]
[color=#ff9900]oh my god[/color]

Shameful, indeed. The Stags seem to support Feducci’s campaign fully, which goes a long way to showing what kind of eccentric morons toil for that withered charlatan’s platform.

[quote=Infinity Simulacrum]
Shameful, indeed. The Stags seem to support Feducci’s campaign fully, which goes a long way to showing what kind of eccentric morons toil for that withered charlatan’s platform.[/quote]
Whoa, now. We’re all thinking it, but we should probably be a little more diplomatic about it!

[quote=Chris Gardiner][quote=Plynkes]I just had a queer thought. I wonder if the &quotDauntless&quot in the DTL is actually her name, rather than merely just an adjective. As in, the temperance campaigner from the Dauntless family?

It’s just there’s a chap I know at the Young Stags called Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. I wonder if they’re related? :)[/quote]
[color=#ff9900]oh my god[/color][/quote]
That would make a lot of sense, just as the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner is an exceptional campaigner, so Chuffy is an exceptional Young Stag - a Dauntless Young Stag, if you will. Remember during the Century Exhibitions when the Wind of Ages was blowing amok and the Young Stags wanted to have some fun but were too scared? Well, one cried out: &quotIf only Chuffy was here!&quot

Point is, if there is a Dauntless Family, they’re probably really into &quotGo big or go home.&quot

[quote=Isaac Zienfried][quote=Infinity Simulacrum]
Shameful, indeed. The Stags seem to support Feducci’s campaign fully, which goes a long way to showing what kind of eccentric morons toil for that withered charlatan’s platform.[/quote]
Whoa, now. We’re all thinking it, but we should probably be a little more diplomatic about it![/quote]
Eh, if I wanted to prank London before every other consideration, I’d vote for Feducci.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/29/2017

[quote=Anne Auclair][quote=Chris Gardiner][quote=Plynkes]I just had a queer thought. I wonder if the &quotDauntless&quot in the DTL is actually her name, rather than merely just an adjective. As in, the temperance campaigner from the Dauntless family?

It’s just there’s a chap I know at the Young Stags called Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. I wonder if they’re related? :)[/quote]
[color=#ff9900]oh my god[/color][/quote]
That would make a lot of sense, just as the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner is an exceptional campaigner, so Chuffy is an exceptional Young Stag - a Dauntless Young Stag, if you will. Remember during the Century Exhibitions when the Wind of Ages was blowing amok and the Young Stags wanted to have some fun but were too scared? Well, one cried out: &quotIf only Chuffy was here!&quot

Point is, if there is a Dauntless Family, they’re probably really into &quotGo big or go home.&quot[/quote]
Headcanon accepted.

Chuffy is indeed Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. London Society isn’t that large a scene and the DTC does come from a privileged family. I’d say the odds are they are indeed related. But they could be anything from Aunt and Nephew to distant cousins for all we know.

It would be interesting though if Chuffy made an appearance in one of the coming week’s campaign events.

[quote=Anne Auclair]Chuffy is indeed Chuffy McAvoy-Dauntless. London Society isn’t that large a scene and the DTC does come from a privileged family. I’d say the odds are they are indeed related. But they could be anything from Aunt and Nephew to distant cousins for all we know.

It would be interesting though if Chuffy made an appearance in one of the coming week’s campaign events.[/quote]
That would definetly be a boon to our campaign, I’d say.

Most regard the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner as stuffy and uptight, perhaps a more bohemian presence would be what’s needed to up the popularity.

Of course he is! I should know me own club-mates. I may be a honey-soaked drunkard of loose morals and looser underwear, who cavorts with devils and seduces vicars; a revolutionary who knocks the helmets off Peelers’ heads, blows up statues and is plotting to plunge us all into eternal darkness…

…but I ain’t no liar. :)
edited by Plynkes on 6/29/2017

Extra! Extra! Dauntless Temperance Campaigner’s Campaign full of bribery and corruption! 5 Pence A Copy

Well, that’s where you and I differ. You know, apart from the whole corrupt hypocrite starkiller associate thing, deep down?

I just really, really hate tea.

It’s so bitter and unfulfilling, like a halfhearted promise.

  • [quote=Hattington][quote=SeveredJoke]I am torn. On one hand I abhor such prescriptive joyless curtailment of life’s bounties but I do like tea.[/quote]

Well, that’s where you and I differ. You know, apart from the whole corrupt hypocrite starkiller associate thing, deep down?

I just really, really hate tea.

It’s so bitter and unfulfilling, like a halfhearted promise.[/quote][/li]
To be fair, I honestly thought the same thing for years and years. Turns out, I was just drinking terrible tea. Let’s forget this election and go tea tasting. I think you might like something a little sweeter like a jasmine or an oolong. If you get the right tea you don’t even need milk or sugar to make it taste proper.

Also, preparation is a big deal. The first time I prepared Japanese sencha, I used water that was too hot, and it ended up tasting like strained grass. I later learned that it requires cooler water than even most green teas.

A lot of people simply pour boiling water on teabags, and that murders the taste.

Of course, much the same can be said of coffee, wine, etc.

Haha, didn’t Chuffy have a stuffy aunt he was arguing with in a teahouse when you first met him?

Maybe that’s her :P

[quote=Kukapetal]Haha, didn’t Chuffy have a stuffy aunt he was arguing with in a teahouse when you first met him?

Maybe that’s her :P[/quote]
Can someone get an echo?

Do what? This is London, mate.

To quote Bob Hoskins in Mona Lisa…
