Election 1895: A Winner Announced!

Feducci having the best hat while the two ladies having comparatively worse hats (or in case of Dauntless, a redundant hat) might have some impact, too.

I mean, some of us might metagames and grab the hat we want before switching side at the start, but most probably won’t.

“So we didn’t win? That doesn’t mean it was all for nothing.”

This should be an interesting year.

Here’s hoping Feducci will provide an interesting story during his term! Not my first choice, but at least he’s interesting enough to have potential.

Get used to seeing it over and over for the rest of the year :P

Did you have 15 Influence?

Because last year, the reward formula was:

  • (Career) x Sworn Statements[/li][li]1 x Favours in High Places[/li][li]((Career x 5) + 5) x Journals of Infamy

So it seems that this year it is:

  • (Career + Influence) x Sworn Statements[/li][li]1 x Favours in High Places[/li][li](((Career + Influence) x 5) + 5) x Journals of Infamy

Clearly this is a sign that we need more Campaigner content! I would welcome a Rubbery Tea Party storyline to give us more information on the Campaigner almost as much as I dread our now inevitable takeover by the Presbyterate, a nation that somehow never worked out there really is a Surface despite all living forever and yet still think we’re the idiots.

Too bad - both on the election result (my alt supported Feducci but I have very mixed feelings about him) and on the fact that I was under the impression that we would still have the 10th to finish campaigning. (Well, the whole Election time frame was inopportune for me RL-wise (final exams) but that can’t be helped I suppose, it would always be bad timing for someone.)

Even if I doubt that our new Mayor will bring much effective change and reform, it is sure going to be an interesting year going forward.
(Let’s just be thankful that at least the one basically wanting a police state did not win the election.)

I’m not really sure why everyone seems to leap to the conclusion that wanting to reform the police force, weed out corruption, and provide for public servants that have been forgotten by the city suddenly means you want a jackbooted fascist police-state.

I guess it’s like how thinking maybe we should do something about rampant addiction and free flow of narcotics means no one is ever allowed to drink or use honey again under any circumstances. People are prone to seeing things in extremes. Oh hey, that’s why they voted for the supposedly extreme candidate…

I am also looking forward to having more content on the Campaigner, especially not that her rubbery and clay sympathies have been revealed. Oh, and I am going to miss Jenny’s beautiful art.

Did you have 15 Influence?

Because last year, the reward formula was:

  • (Career) x Sworn Statements[/li][li]1 x Favours in High Places[/li][li]((Career x 5) + 5) x Journals of Infamy

So it seems that this year it is:

  • (Career + Influence) x Sworn Statements[/li][li]1 x Favours in High Places[/li][li](((Career + Influence) x 5) + 5) x Journals of Infamy

I’m fairly certain I got the same result as a lvl 20 Feducci campaigner with 15 influence, if that data is useful to you.

Yep, I managed 15 influence in the nick of time. Thanks for the calculations!


So it seems that this year it is:

  • (Career + Influence) x Sworn Statements[/li][li]1 x Favours in High Places[/li][li](((Career + Influence) x 5) + 5) x Journals of Infamy

Level 20 Campginer, only 10 Influence:
30 Sworn Statements
1 FiHP
155 Journals of Infamy
Which matches the formula.
edited by Parelle on 7/10/2017

Congratulations to Feducci! The first mayor we can assassinate!

Alea jacta est.

actually, according to my &quotWho else is here?&quot, someone is murdering him right this instant ;)

I now sorely regret not building up preparations before the announcement, so I could be the first to kill the mayor. Hindsight’s 20/20, and all…

Oh, the person murdering him is actually a Feducci supporter themselves…- so, celebratory murdering, I suppose? ;)
edited by gronostaj on 7/12/2017

…Only a Feducci supporter can have a concept of “celebratory murdering.”

This. City. I just… I can’t.

Hate to break it to you, but he’s actualy the first mayor we CAN’T assasinate. Trust me, I tried. As in, &quotI sliced him up into literal ribbons, fed him to rabid direwolves, then sliced up the direwolves and fed that to some Zee creatures and still somehow saw him next morning in the damm duel club&quot can’t assasinate.
edited by Kylestien on 7/10/2017

Oh well, there’s always next year.