Echo Bazaar on the Quarter to Three podcast

[color=00ffff]I’m on the latest episode of the excellent Quarter to Three podcast talking to Tom Chick and Jason McMaster about Echo Bazaar and gaming in general. And also having my accent fondled. [/color]
[color=00ffff]There’s stuff about how FBG works, how Echo Bazaar is changing…oh, and a few hints about major improvements coming in the near future (psst - cliques!)[/color]
[color=00ffff]Have a listen! But don’t touch the accent. You don’t know where it’s been.[/color]

Can you give us any more details on things like building a clique headquarters
A little hint, maybe?

Right when Tom Chick is mentioning digging a hole, I was equipping my subtle mole at the time. Just found it amusing.

Hey Chris, you like Beyond Good and Evil too? I really love that game, espescially its visual style and its music.