Easiest 4 card lodgings?

Lately, I have been wondering what would be the quickest 4-card lodgings to get. Does anyone know which is?

What I know:
You can grind several options to get the infernal items for the Brass Embassy Guest Room.
The easiest flash lay can give many of the items needed.

One can wait ten months and use trade secrets to obtain the Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem.
This can be shortened to six months if you use the watcher profession. If you already have a antique mystery, take a week off that.
Of course, you could just grind jade and convert.

I really know nothing about obtaining the Lengthy Lease to Premises at the Bazaar.

If anyone knows which is best, please tell me.

Generally speaking, they will all take roughly the same amount of time if you use Thefts of Particular Character in the Flit – although if you don’t already have the required Hell connections, the Brass Embassy may take slightly longer to get due to grinding them up.

[quote=GamerGallade]Lately, I have been wondering what would be the quickest 4-card lodgings to get. Does anyone know which is?

What I know:
You can grind several options to get the infernal items for the Brass Embassy Guest Room.
The easiest flash lay can give many of the items needed.

One can wait ten months and use trade secrets to obtain the Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem.
This can be shortened to six months if you use the watcher profession. If you already have a antique mystery, take a week off that.
Of course, you could just grind jade and convert.

I really know nothing about obtaining the Lengthy Lease to Premises at the Bazaar.

If anyone knows which is best, please tell me.[/quote]
echo wise, the brass embassy is cheapest, but it’s a lot more complicated than the alternatives to meet all the criteria. Meanwhile, both royal beth and bazaar premises are roughly the same level of complexity, (50 antique mysteries vs. 50 bazaar permits), and cost the exact same.

Where did you find the option to use permits?

The option to buy using permits appears in the Bazaar Sidestreets when you become POSI

with the bazaar one you can make heists that gives you MW too, you’ll have to do 25 heists because they give 2 permits

It’s the Reservation, you can get 50 antique mysteries in a couple of days of upconverting from a hundred senses of deja vu.

You might be interested to know that the Feast’s The Wheel of Affection storylet gives Antique Mysteries and Masquing on Rare Successes. My non-POSI alt already has three AM’s out of the wheel.

It is less efficient to do the other reward of 8 Touching Love Stories, but you could find the rare Heist success of Searing Enigma a long with a chnce at a bonus when you convert up to their permits.
edited by Parelle on 2/18/2016

This is really good news.
While investigating this, i discovered that the Wheel of Affection is one of the few actions that we haven’t been recording results data for. I’m going to rectify that as best as i can, but i’d love some help in my quest.

I’ve created a thread to recruit help on this quest, Please join me!
edited by Nanako on 2/18/2016