Early Fallen London patch notes: Tribute and Zee changes

Now that Bohemians give Ivory femurs, there might be something useful there. You can get a lot more scrip (well, biscuits) with a brass skull on an ape with ivory femurs than with a brass lollipop. No secondary rewards, except the bonus biscuits, but those are valuable limbs.
At least that’s what I found to be the case after the Sixth Coil.

Oh, and now there will be a way to sell a fashionable skeleton with arms! It always bothered me that monkey skeletons were never in vogue, given that they are clearly the best. And not in-game! Go to your local natural history museum and just try and tell me, with a straight face, that the monkey skeletons aren’t the best.
Sure, the dinosaur skeletons are impressively large, and the fish skeletons excitingly flat - but a dump-truck is bigger than a Ferrari, and a plate is thinner than a Ferrari. In either case, which would you prefer to see in your driveway?

That’s right. A f___ing monkey skeleton.


There’s a spider monkey skeleton at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History that has haunted me ever since I first saw it. It is truly a great skeleton.


Just want to point out that Bohemians now give Humeri (arms worth 1,500 skeleton value) not Fermurs (legs worth 6,500 skeleton value).


Oh, balls.
Good thing I’m not a surgeon.
Well, I am, but not licensed. Or trained. Or equipped.
But really cheap.


Now that humeri can be sold for scrip or get a 10% markup on reptile week, does that raise the value of parabolan hybrid fruit? And, by extension, electrostatic stonks?

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Everyone’s jealous of the guy who rides a monkey skeleton to work.

Tangentially related, I wish we had a buyer who didn’t care about Implausibility. The Phantasist likes Implausibility because it makes for creative bone sculptures, but couldn’t we have a Prehistoricist that just wants a cool bone construct to turn into necromancy’d industrial equipment?

It might be a good way to offload all these spare bones that never get much use otherwise.

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This is the Trifling Diplomat. Though selling to him is quite inconvenient, and his main upside is gone now that you can’t convert khaganian coinage into a Rat Market item


I discovered this through the zee change and my goodness! I could nearly pay for a diamond off the output of one action! Obviously, not a reliable carousel, but that made my day.

Yeah, is there any reason to sell to him anymore? Khaganian coinage seems like a dead-end currency at this point.

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But why settle for one diamond when you can have four? :moneybag:



There are a couple of items at the khaganian market that you’ll want to buy. Other than that I think the answer is no. He doesn’t respect the bone market fashions, and his bonus for antiquity/amalgamy/menace are awful, so he’s just objectively the worst buyer if you don’t have a specific needed for khan-coins


Oh wow! I did wonder when I saw some of the text options on the wiki. My gosh!

This really sucks. First Rat Market, now this. From my perspective, based on how I play the game, instead of improving anything they make the game worse with all these nerfs. I am a (paying) late game player who has been with the game for many years (2011, I think) but took a hiatus in between because at that time there was basically only soul-grinding for a Heptagoat left for me. Nowadays grinds were much more interesting, but they are nerfing them all and I’m losing interest again. One thing that I cannot do (as someone with a very involving job and family and stuff) is figure out constantly what’s the grind of the week. Please, FBG, don’t change what’s working for many.


Because I spent in this game a lot of time already. I like it. It is infuriating to see what it becomes.

What was this update about? To bring new life to Zeefaring? Well, do you know how many times in more than one month I went to Zee? One. I went to Irem to open a New Future. That’s all.
FBG deleated the only reson to periodically go to Zee.

I like Zeefaring. Honestly. But what are the reasons to go to Zee after deleating Tribute?
Port Cecil? But FBG nerfed segmented ribcage. And I can grind Puzzle-Damask in Whisker-Ways.
Polythreme? Well, maybe there are some items to grind there, but they are niche.
Piracy? It is an interesting mechanic when you go to Zee somewhere… but not the standalone goal. Especially when you can not sell diamonds in Rat Market.
Khaganate? Well, there are some interesting things there… but Khaganate was nerfed after Rat Market changes, it is impossible to sell Crackling device there. So, it’s also not a profitable grind.

Well, it is possible to invent your own goals, obviously… but for what?
I like Zeefaring, but this update killed it. In addition to the nice, profitable, simple, familiar grind.

Well, it is possible to invent your own goals, obviously… but for what?

But… it’s all inventing your own goals. Grinding optimally was a goal you invented. You can just stop doing it.

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