Dump Nightmares

Need all the nightmares you can give to catch a beast… Send them coming people! Thank you.

Check your profile URL, can’t add you

I think this is their profile.

C’mon man, don’t leave me hanging… 1CP away from lunacy!

Also, What are you hunting in the Nightmare realm?

Just the hyena in the Labyrinth… But somehow unfinished business at Ladybones just keeps succeeding even with stat reduction.

If I’m trying to get nightmares I put on a sporing bonnet and stat reducing gear and go seeking curios and secrets in the Forgotten Quarter.

How do I get rid of nightmares?

[quote=Lorayna Regina]How do I get rid of nightmares?

Laudanum, some cards, or ‘find a way to deal with your nightmares’ in lodging. Needs nightmares 4 and a sudden insight.

[quote=Lorayna Regina]How do I get rid of nightmares?

If you have wounds above 2 spending Time in Bed at your lodgings can also reduce nightmares (making the acquaintance of the Sardonic Music Hall Singer is very helpful here)
Some cards - side with urchins vs widow; some pet cards; always ignore the Gentleman when he turns up.
If you are watchful enough to have opened the University there is quite a good option there
Also if you have Labyrinth of Tigers you can gawp at the Hyena (raises wounds so works in combination with spending time in bed.

Alternatively get some Memories of Light and just go to the Mirror Marches when your nightmares get too high :)

Edit - it might also be a good idea to get a Winsome Dispossessed Orphan - the card will get you Laudanum.
edited by reveurciel on 7/9/2015