
I think it would be interesting to see the statistics of which destiny item people took. And also what was the reasoning behind it (different role-play reasons, stats, etc.)

! So probably expect spoilers and a bit of fate locked content. !

I chose Backstage, in large part due to the name (on the Surface, I’m a playwright and screenwriter). While the destiny is fate-locked, the fact that it exists is not.

I don’t recall all the details, but I chose my Destiny based upon what information I had about who she would be interacting with and why. In any event, my character has always been kinda close to the Masters…
EDIT: I’m a twit; I forgot to specify what my Destiny is! It’s Authority, in case you haven’t guessed. ;-)
edited by cathyr19355 on 6/17/2018

I’m going to be taking The Road (for The Void) on my main when the opportunity comes around, as my character is power hungry and obsessed with transcendence. They already have a clay arm, tentacles, and no soul. [I also considered the one where you become a Fluke, but that was too meagre a destiny for that one]

My alt will probably get the Passion destiny. It feels like the destiny that fits best with her ambition, Heart’s Desire. She’s more of a passionate do-gooder, although not a full RP character as I’m more than willing to have her consort with criminals and devils (she sold her soul to devils because she was tired of them pestering her and now deeply regrets it, wants to get criminals to become better, etc)

I’m currently on the fence between Passion and The Road. My character has a bit of an obsession with the Correspondence and what it means. I’ll probably have to see how that further develops a bit down the line before picking. I also might end up getting both and then choosing which one I like more…

You can’t have more than one Destiny, you know.
edited by JainaEgo on 6/17/2018

I meant get one, then lose it and get the other one. Then pick which one I like better and stick with that one.

Switching destinies costs fate, so it’s really better to make your choice first.

It has been a while (and about a two year break from the game) since that fateful Hallowmas wherein Kalitha’s destiny of The Memory was unveiled, but from what I recall I wound up selecting it because the text involved intrigued me.

I have several characters, but my first one got The Memory, and since I roleplayed that one all the way, I gave it my vote here.
edited by phryne on 6/17/2018

[quote=phryne]I have several characters, but my first one got The Memory, and since I roleplayed that one all the way, I gave it my vote here.
edited by phryne on 6/17/2018[/quote]
Isn’t the one that would correspond with that Backstage? The Memory either involves Flukes or Masters.

I currently have Gloom, but I plan to change it to Backstage (Fatelocked), but I don’t see Backstage in the selection (Or I’m just looking over it)

I took Gloom as it back then fit my character very well (as well as a nice boost to shadowy), but currently my character would fit Backstage so much better! (plus I didn’t have Fate back then)
edited by Honeyaddict on 6/17/2018

[quote=Honeyaddict]I currently have Gloom, but I plan to change it to Backstage (Fatelocked), but I don’t see Backstage in the selection (Or I’m just looking over it)

I took Gloom as it back then fit my character very well (as well as a nice boost to shadowy), but currently my character would fit Backstage so much better! (plus I didn’t have Fate back then)
edited by Honeyaddict on 6/17/2018[/quote]

You are right. I missed that one. If only I knew how to edit polls :/

[quote=Silent_man]If only I knew how to edit polls :/[/quote]There’s no way to add or remove poll options, so there’s nothing you can do, sadly :(

Though you could always make a new poll, with the additional choice, I suppose. But you couldn’t be sure all the people who answered the first one would also answer the new one. :-(

I physically have the Curator. It’s because I needed five levels of Persuasive for a POSI. But in character, I’d have the Revelation, because humans deserve immortality too!

I took the Memory because Eudoxia is sure of herself at her core: everything she does, she does because she wants to. Also Watchful was my most-needed boost at the time.

I’ve got Gleam on my main when were not fully conscious about what is going on. Just picked creepy one-eyed man to talk to (did not even played Sunless Sea that times to recognize him as notorious revolutionary). As a result, my main now fears Liberation of Night and hates dynamite faction. Hope to change it one day because it fits so much to real me.

My alt got Gloom after releasing a certain sinister individual from behind the mirrors for a sake of chaos! She regrets now too.

On one fateful Hallowmas night, two people each recieved a blind visit at their footsteps. There, they would each recieve a sign and soon, would dream of their destiny.

Harry recieved a visit from a Presbyterian Adventurer, who, I have to admit, looked rather badass in her uniform. Anyway, from there, he would soon receive The Revelation about immortality and his role in it. This Revelation widened his vision and would result in his goal changing from seeking immortality for himself and friends to immortality for all.

Speaking on behalf on Elizabeth, she said the Doctor looked 'secret’y and thus, she received the Gleam for her troubles. It was one wrought from being one of the survivors of the Liberation. Though she didn’t really seem sure on how to feel about that.

Not quite achieved a Destiny yet, but it’ll either be Passion or Authority.

Their life was boring and rote before London, and since they havent felt more alive. Tagging along with the Bazzar is just the continuation of their pursuit of Stories (of all kinds, not just Love). Though they take a more active role in that they get involved in the stories, not just collecting them.

Keep in mind thats just a bare-bones version, subject to change.