Derived Qualities

I’m pretty sure this option wasn’t there before…

Nope, I’ve never seen it either.
Any idea what it does?
edited by Pumpkinhead on 5/22/2017

As far as I can tell, a DQ is a special type of quality that has some differences from ordinary qualities:

  1. The value of a DQ cannot be changed or set via a branch result. Instead, as the name implies, it’s derived from values of other qualities via a set of weights/multipliers that you can specify in DQ’s properties. Note that multipliers have to be natural numbers.
  2. A DQ can be used as a requirement for branches, but not for core storylets.
  3. A DQ is semi-hidden from the player. It does not show up in Me, More or Items tabs, and its changes don’t create QLD messages, so the only way the player can learn of its existence is if it’s set as a branch requirement.
  4. A DQ cannot be derived from another DQ.
  5. Even though DQs have Thing subtypes (Companion, Currency, Goods, Curiosity, etc.), they can’t be equippable or set as equipment slots.

Huh. Where was this before and why did it show up now?

I think they’ve been in the system for a while (there’s been some stuff on the qualities editor about them) but no idea why the button’s only just shown up.

[color=#cc0099]Hello! Just wanted to pop in and say that Derived Qualities are new functionality for Sunless Skies. They aren’t currently planned for Fallen London. It’s not something we foresee being about to support in StoryNexus. Hope this clarifies![/color]

Is it any less supported than anything else in storynexus? Will pressing this new button break everything?

It seems to have appeared roughly when ratsending simulator items and qualities spilled over into my fallen london inventory, so … I think somebody already pressed ;)

[color=#cc0099]We advise to not press the button. Thanks! [/color]

…what happens if I already pressed the button? Will it break any qualities/storylets?