Deep Amber: Radioactive?

Warmly Glowing and, er, slightly warm.

Not to mention Nevercold Brass.

Are we all going to die of radiation poisoning the moment we leave the neath?

Nah, it’s good for the soul. And the bones. Better then lacre at the very least.

We’ll die of … solar radiation!

Problbky not, but the Luminous Neathglass Goggles certainly are.

Honestly what with all the hijinks going on in the Neath I’m fairly certain we’ve all already died. Several times. Maybe Tomb-Colonists are radiation poisoning victims?

Not to mention all the malnutrition going on. We kinda do need surface food or something similar. (Plus a good amount of characters only surviving on honey and wine)
edited by suinicide on 8/12/2016

Well I mean the Vital Essence in it is used for flesh shaping which seems a lot like genetic engineering with how the Rubberies use it and weird mutations when you use it.


[quote=IgnatuStone]Warmly Glowing and, er, slightly warm.

Not to mention Nevercold Brass.

Are we all going to die of radiation poisoning the moment we leave the neath?[/quote]

They glow and get warm because they took the Vital Essences from us, that’s the reason for the Amber Trade isn’t it?

I was not aware of this lore. Please clarify.

Thanks for the clarification. Where in the game was this revealed?
edited by IgnatuStone on 8/14/2016

Flute Street