Decisions, decisions...

So I decided to turf the Fingerkings out of the Dome of Scales and launched the Parabolan war on behalf of the cats. And now I find I don’t understand the undercurrents involved in encouraging (or discouraging) the Pauper Prince to accept the offer from the King of Cats.
Is there anyone with more profound knowledge of the lore who could assist? I’d appreciate it. Might even send a decorative mushroom.

Yeah basically any King is a creature inhabited by a Fingerling. So you’re encouraging the Prince to either set aside his principles and work with the King to accomplish the goal that is the alleged cause of the war, or to lose the objective just to fight the Fingerlings, even when it brings you nothing.


Yes, I had the feeling it was that kind of lose-lose decision. Rats.

Oh – er – and thank you! :+1: