Crustacean Reproduction Convocation: Angler Crabs Return

Fearsome Angler Crabs, menace to all honest zailors, are migrating once again to their ancestral spawning grounds. The Unterzee is achurn with the tectonic movement of the crabs.

There’s good hunting on the Angler Crab. Inside their bellies lurk all manner of discarded riches, swallowed up. All one needs is a good ship, a long-range gun, and a strong hull.

Giant Angler Crabs are once again available to hunt at zee. To begin, check the cabin on your ship. This Fallen London Living World event will continue until we run out of crabs.



After going in against the Seventh Coil, is it just me or does the ‘danger’ posed by Angler Crabs seem rather blasé?

[Please note: I’m actually quite happy this event has come 'round again.]


This event is highly unlikely, I think, to harm late game players.

It’s also not really worth late-game players effort until late in the event considering how poor the payout is (especially if you’re not a monster hunter by profession). I think, at some point, my character’s going to start seeding Bugby’s Marsh with bones just to get rid of the enormous stack of them she’s having to store as they’re otherwise worthless.


I wish I could just sell the many hundreds of different bones that I have. Even at a big loss, this would be better than them just sitting in my inventory.


I chose to spend all my 280k+ CR from festival exclusively on legs, and happy with it. Bone market is the best.

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Shame the kitchen doesn’t do bone broth…


Technically you can. Just have to glue them together first.


I’d rather do anything else in the game than spend actions in the Bone Market. 77 headless skeletons and only 17 skulls? And return on action investment less than “Unfinished Business” (unless I’m seriously missing something when Bird / Spider skeletons are unavailable). I suffered my way through the minimum number of actions there to get resources for the railroad but if I never have to go back there it’ll be too soon.

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Unfinished business options (I assume that you mean storylets with the same name in Spite, Veilgarden, etc) have around 1.2 EpA. Good, optimized Bone Market grinds have 5-6 EpA. And until Bone Market Exhaustion hit it’s weekly limit even more than that.

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Exaggerating for effect but I’d far rather play those options than stick fins on a ribcage, use up one of my tiny number of skulls, and hope I somehow get an EPA more than 1.2 from the 4 billion sell options. I’ve literally stared at the Wiki going “just explain this in English for heavens sake!” but everything’s birds and spiders (both of which I’m blocked by) and some complicated 40 step process and then crossing fingers that it’s the right week.

I’m sure there are people that love the bone market but I’d happily consign it to the Sixth Coil.


Specific Bone Market recipes can hit 6.0, but only if you’re using specific bones. You’re not gonna hit that trying to use up what fell out of a crab. Putting Pincers on a crab isn’t worth the action, and disqualifies your skeleton from any of the good types.

Fin bones I’ll actually use, but only because there’s a way to smelt a dozen of them into something half-decent.

Yeah, pincers and human arms are disappointing. I hope that someday FBG will find a good use for them. And for Moonlight Scales…

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How to do well in these Zee hunting events:

  1. Monster Hunter profession.
  2. High Zeefaring.
  3. Zubmarine.
  4. Equip something which reduces Troubled Waters.

I’m just happy to replenish my Glim after giving a lot of them to His Amusing Lordship while his Calendar card was still around.


Use the pincers on menace week for Malevolent Monkeys, cook the fin bones (for soup or better bones) and use the skeletons for Lollipops.

Yeah, this was the way to have moderate fun with it. There was no final text, though, unless i missed it?